5 Practices That Help Me Explain the Hope I Have in Hard Times

Michelle S. Lazurek

Growing up, my mother was not a joyful person. She often looked at the negative side of life, rather than the positive side of life. I learned from an early age to look at life this way as well. It became increasingly difficult for me to see life in a positive way because of my upbringing. Yet, when I came to know Christ at the age of eighteen, I read about God’s nature, how he likes to give good gifts to us, and how much he delights in his children. When I read about God’s love, it became easier to hope in God. As I matured, I was able to explain why I had joy when I went through a tough situation. But it wasn’t easy. Here’s how I learned to give a reason for the hope I have:

I Clung to the Word of God

The most important thing I did when circumstances got tough was cling to the Word of God. During my earlier days of Christianity, when I felt life wasn't going my way, it was easy for me to get mad at God. Therefore, I avoided things that had to do with him, including prayer and reading the Bible. However, as I have matured throughout the years, I realized the Word of God and prayer are the only ways I have hope. Even when life feels like it's crumbling all around me, I have faith that when I read the Word, God will speak to me. It never fails that I can read the same Bible passage several times, and the next time I read it, God will speak something directly to my heart. This is because his Word is speaking to that life circumstance. Although the Bible doesn't address every specific situation in life, we can apply some of the basic concepts and ideas to every situation in our lives. This gives me hope that God knows my situation because it's not new to him, and he knows how to fix it. 

I Cast My Cares onto God

1 Peter 5:7 says, “Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you.” This is not an easy task. It is easy for me to want to carry my burdens on my own and rely on my own strength to fix whatever situation is not going my way. However, part of an intimate relationship with God means having to trust him and giving all my fears over to him. At a church service I attended, one of the exercises was to write down all the things that were weighing on my heart. We were to write them on a piece of dissolving paper. Then we placed the paper in a large basin of water and, taking a wooden spoon, stirred up the water until the paper fully dissolved. The ink on the paper dissolved into the water and then slowly disappeared. It was a symbolic gesture of allowing myself to cast my cares onto God. I've participated in this exercise before. I recall the things I gave over to God in those instances. It is amazing to see what God has done in a year or two, to all those things that were my cares two or three years ago. God has spoken and moved in each one of those situations. When we cast our cares onto the Lord, he is faithful to take those cares and move on our behalf. But we must let him. When we choose to carry our burdens on our own, we lack trust in God. Trusting God is one of the essentials of a vital spiritual life. If I have difficulty trusting God, it's because I want to control and have things go my way. But when I give it over to God and surrender to his will, I trust that his will is what's best for me, even if it doesn't yield me the results I desire. 

I Lived a Life of Repentance

 Not only is it important for us to confess our sins regularly so we have nothing hindering us from hearing from and speaking to God, but we must also live a life of repentance. It's one thing to confess our sins habitually, but we must continue to do it. Merely confessing this does nothing, but living a repentant life where we change our behavior, so the sins are no longer burdening us, is important. This goes beyond a simple accountability partner. While having accountability is good in our lives, it's easy to pick someone who we know either struggles with the same sin or will not chastise us for continuing in that behavior. However, when I live a life of repentance, I can brainstorm ways I can repent of that behavior and change my life, so when I truly repent of it, I live a life full of hope. Therefore, when situations get tough, I don't blame myself for poor behavior but rather have hope that God will turn that trial around.

I Put My Faith in Jesus

 All throughout scripture, there are examples of people who had to put their faith in God. It was not merely a verbal declaration but rather a life yielded to God's will. For example, the simple act of Jesus asking his disciples to follow him and then drop their nets was huge. The disciples had comfortable jobs, being part of the family business. Their families trained them throughout their lives to take over their careers. However, Jesus shook up their lives by asking them to follow him with no plan or understanding of what was to come. He simply asked them to follow him. Most disciples faced martyrdom and persecution because of their faith. Faith is not merely attending church or even reading the Word. Rather, it is a life of steps that are taken in faith to trust that God will be there. Not only do we have to trust in God we must act in a way that demonstrates our faith. This is the best way to show we are an example to those around us. 

I Became in Tune with the Spirit

 God speaks to us in a myriad of ways. He speaks through his Spirit, through visions, dreams, angels, through the Word, other people, etc. However, if we're not in tune with what God is saying to us, it will be difficult for us to hear from him. When God speaks to me regarding his specific situation in my life, it gives me hope to know that God understands and sees what I'm going through. I am not alone, and I know I can put my trust in him. Hearing from God not only increases my faith but also allows me to trust that what he's doing is conforming me into a Christ-like character. Although it may be difficult for me to allow God to put me through tests and trials, I understand that for me to have hope, I must go through difficult situations to increase that hope. Hope is placing my faith in a God I have never seen, yet through his Spirit know that he exists. 

Life is difficult. It is difficult regardless of whether we have hope. Yet, hope makes life bearable because even in our darkest days, we can believe that things will turn around for the better. Although this verse is difficult to live out, we are called to give everyone a reason for the hope we have. Everyone goes through trials in life. Whether we are Christians or non-Christians, we will all face trials. However, it is our response and reaction to those trials which is what demonstrates God's power in our lives. When we demonstrate the fruit of the spirit during trials rather than display anger, resentment, or bitterness, we demonstrate not only to other believers but also to the world who God really is in our lives.

Photo Credit: ©GettyImage/Daniela Jovanovska-Hristovska 

Michelle S. Lazurek is a multi-genre award-winning author, speaker, pastor's wife, and mother. She is a literary agent for Wordwise Media Services and a certified writing coach. Her new children’s book Hall of Faith encourages kids to understand God can be trusted. When not working, she enjoys sipping a Starbucks latte, collecting 80s memorabilia, and spending time with her family and her crazy dog. For more info, please visit her website www.michellelazurek.com.

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