We have a wonderful and gracious God who heals and comforts us. He sits with us in our pain and gives us reasons to hope and have joy. So whether you need a prayer for depression for a friend, or for yourself we have provided some examples below.
You may know someone in your life who can hear the comforting words of a prayer for depression. In fact, you may be that someone who had entered a difficult season. Depression can vary from seasonal bouts to a lifetime. A person may experience depression symptoms for months or even years.
Depression also doesn’t always have a cause. Yes, perhaps you have lost someone dear to you or have entered difficult circumstances But sometimes depression happens with no triggers. As it is diagnosed as a mental illness, an organ, the brain, is affected by it.
But we have a wonderful and gracious God who heals and comforts. He sits with us in our pain and gives us reasons to hope and have joy.
So whether you need a prayer for depression for a friend, or for yourself we have provided some examples below. Please don’t feel as though you only can pray these prayers written in this article. These serve as a template for when you don’t feel you know the right words to say.

How to Pray for Someone Who Is Depressed
As Christians, we often feel the need to speak the words of truth to one another. We may try to remind someone who has depression, “Hey, things will turn out right in the end. Just hope.” But in the midst of crippling grief and sadness, those words often do more harm than good.
Most of the time, a depressed person wants someone to sit with them, to listen to them, and to love them without condition. Depression has a way of telling a person that no one will love them and that everyone will abandon them. Instead of words, prayers can often serve the person more effectively.
When you pray for someone with depression, we suggest the following precautions. Although we can’t list all of these, we hope these help to contextualize the need for gentleness and care.
Don’t Get Mad if the Depression Isn’t Instantly Cured
Prayers can serve as ways of healing, and people have experienced miracles through them. But it doesn’t always happen. Paul, after begging God to remove the thorn in his side … still has the thorn (2 Corinthians 12). You can certainly pray that God heals this person or relieves them of their current pain, but if the person doesn’t get an instant cure, this does not make them a bad Christian. Strong Christians can see therapists too.
Listen before Praying
Keep in mind (and I speak from years of experience of dealing with depression) if you instantly start praying for someone who has depression, they’ll probably bristle. It will sound to them as though you have a Savior complex and that you’re trying to fix them. They may even feel as though you’ve accused them of not being a good enough Christian because they have a mental illness. But if you listen to them. Allow them to share the hurt they feel inside, you will have far better results when you ask to pray for them.
Ask God for the Right Words to Say
Especially if you have not dealt with depression, it could be easy to fall into a mindset that doesn’t align with the true symptoms of the disease. Depression doesn’t just make you sad. It makes you numb. It often feels like someone has poured cement on you or that you have to move through Jell-o to complete basic tasks. And everyone experiences depression a little differently. Ask God to give to you the words of peace and comfort to say to this person when you pray for them, whether in their presence or in secret.
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Bible Verses for Depression
Psalm 23:4: “Even though I walk through the darkest valley, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me.”
Depression feels like the darkest valley. You feel abandoned, alone, in darkness. But this verse reminds us that God walks with us every step of the way.
Psalm 30:11: “You turned my wailing into dancing; you removed my sackcloth and clothed me with joy.”
Depression doesn’t last forever. Whether we experience this illness for a month, or for a lifetime, we know that we will one day experience everlasting joy. We will go to a place where we shed no sad tears and where we can abide with our Great Comforter forever.
Isaiah 41:10: “So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.”
God strengthens us. In the midst of our weakness, he upholds us.
For more Bible verses on depression, check out this article here.
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A Prayer for Sadness and Depression
Lord, my friend has experienced intense bouts of sadness, numbness, and often feels isolated from their friends and family. Help them to know your love and the love we have for them. That nothing they can do can separate them from your grace and mercy. Remind them of their inheritance of the kingdom of God and that you made them in your image. You have a beautiful plan for them, and no matter what their thoughts say, nothing can deter that plan. Amen.
A Prayer for Depression and Anxiety
Dear Jesus, my friend deals with both depression and anxiety. They often feel like they’ve been placed in a tennis match between the two illnesses. I ask, that in their darkest moments, that you remind them of your goodness. That you will comfort them in the midst of their pain and suffering and will not let them fall. Lord, you care for even the sparrow (Matthew 6:26). How much greater is your plan for my friend! Help them to trust even when their mind betrays them. Amen.
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A Prayer for Healing Depression
Healer and Great Physician, I know that you can heal a person if it fits within your will. I see my friend struggling, and I wish I could take away their pain. I know that you have a purpose for everything, and perhaps you have used this illness to bring my friend closer to you and to have a better understanding of your grace and the comfort to come in your second coming. God, if it is in your will, I ask that you remove the thorn from my friend’s side. However, if it is not in your will, this does not make my friend any weaker or lesser. Your grace is sufficient for them, and power made perfect in weakness (2 Corinthians 12:9). Amen.
Depression can often be an uneasy topic in the church. For the longest time, Christians thought that those who had depression simply didn’t trust in God enough to heal them. Since we have opened up more conversations about mental health, we have eradicated many of these stigmas.
Those who have never dealt with it before may not know what to say to someone in the throng of depression. But we can remind them of God’s love and plan and sit with them in the discomfort. We can listen and pray earnestly for our friends, knowing that God can often use some of the most difficult moments of our lives to grow us and to help us to bring joy and comfort to others.
Photo credit: Amaury Gutierrez/Unsplash
Hope Bolinger is an acquisitions editor at End Game Press, book editor for hire, and the author of almost 30 books. More than 1500 of her works have been featured in various publications. Check out her books at hopebolinger.com for clean books in most genres, great for adults and kids. Check out her editing profile at Reedsy.com to find out about hiring her for your next book project.
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This article is part of our larger Prayer resource meant to inspire and encourage your prayer life when you face uncertain times. Remember, the Holy Spirit intercedes for us and God knows your heart even if you can't find the words to pray.
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