When those times arise, we need a prayer for inner peace. Studies show that when our bodies are well rested, our decision-making is more thoughtful.
Worries, stress, an overwhelming to-do list, concerns about tomorrow, and other problems can seep into our thoughts or arrive full force during the day or night. When those times arise, we need a prayer for inner peace. Studies show that when our bodies are well rested, our decision-making is more thoughtful. Also, when we are well-rested, we have the ability to handle emotional situations in a positive way. When sleepless nights come, go to God in prayer. Ask Him to cover you with peace and comfort. The peace and comfort that only God can provide. God is waiting patiently for us to go to Him in prayer. He welcomes conversation with us. He will provide the inner peace we need on those sleepless nights and restless days. Draw closer to Him through pausing and sharing time with the Lord. He will give you inner peace on those sleepless nights.
Why Say a Prayer for Inner Peace? What Does the Bible Say?
There are numerous Scripture verses sharing about finding peace. The Bible shares how we are not to have troubled hearts or be afraid. Peace is found in Him, not in the world (John 14:27 NIV). Reading the Bible is a special way to find inner peace on sleepless nights or any time of the day. Some people prefer reading Scripture before settling in for bedtime.
Praying helps us remember that we don’t have to be anxious about anything. When we go to God in prayer, He listens. Giving Him thanks, and sharing our requests allows us to draw closer to God. He hears our prayers (Philippians 4:6-7 NIV).
Have you ever prayed during a sleepless night? Have you prepared for bed hoping sleep would come? Perhaps the sound of a clock ticking, or the heater or air conditioner hums were keeping you awake? Maybe your thoughts were consumed with the problems of the day or the possible problems of the next day.
The Bible tells us to go to God in prayer. When we are seeking inner peace on sleepless nights, we don’t have to handle things on our own. Pray. Ask God to calm your body, soul, and mind and to cover you with His protection. Ask God to give you inner peace.
How Can We Achieve Peace on Our Most Uncertain Days?
Whether we experience sleeplessness, restlessness, or worries about uncertainty fill our thoughts, there is hope. That hope is found in God.
During uncertain days, we can go to Scripture and seek His Word. We can lean into God and share conversations with Him. Asking God for help and sharing with Him about the need for inner peace is the first step to finding the answer.
Some people have a bedtime routine to help with calming, relaxing, and hopefully settling into a good night of sleep. Deep breathing exercises, journaling, and prayer can be useful tools to find inner peace on sleepless nights.
Think about the ways you have found inner peace in the past. Did you find peace by taking a walk outside and observing God’s creations? Perhaps a call or text to a friend or family member allowed for much-needed conversation. Maybe a visit with clergy helped.
God provides ways for us to find inner peace. The most important way is to go to Him in prayer.
7 Reassuring Prayers for Inner Peace on Sleepless Nights
Prayer to Calm My Spirit
Father, I am restless. My spirit is broken. I feel like nothing is going the right way. I cry and I get angry. Father, please calm my spirit. Please remind me of the many blessings in my life. Help me to cling to You, dear Lord. Help me to remove all negative ways of thinking. Thank You for loving me. Thank You for the peace You provide. In the name of Your Son Jesus, Amen.
Prayer for Peace of Mind
Dear Lord, I made a decision today. I’m not sure if I made the correct choice. I pray that I am following Your will. Father, please give me peace of mind. Help me to remember Your plan and Your timing is always best. Thank You for loving me. Amen.
Prayer for When Sleep Won’t Come
Heavenly Father, my mind is racing. There is a list of things that need to be done. I can’t seem to turn off my thoughts and find rest. I try to hand my worries to You, but then, I take them right back. Forgive me. Father. Please give my body rest. Please help me have restful sleep so I may be refreshed and renewed in the morning. In Your Name, Amen.
Prayer for Inner Peace While Waiting for Test Results
Dear God, Thank You for loving me. Thank You for the wisdom You give to medical professionals. I am waiting for the test results and sleep won’t come. Those results didn’t arrive today, and my patience is growing thin. Father, cover me with Your peace and bring rest and calm to my body, soul, and mind as I await the call from the doctor. Please be with me as I learn the results of the tests. Bring a good night of sleep so I can face tomorrow with renewed strength. My hope is found in You. I love You. Amen.
Prayer for Inner Peace When an Argument Is Not Resolved before Sleep
Heavenly Father, my loved one and I have argued. Harsh words were exchanged. There was no resolution and tonight, we go to sleep without speaking in love. My body is tense. My heart is hurting. I’m sorry for the argument and am asking for Your help in bringing a peaceful resolution. Please allow my loved one and me to have a good night of rest. Please help us to greet each other in the morning with love and forgiveness. Father, fill us with the inner peace only You can provide. We need You. Thank You, Father. In the name of Jesus, Amen.
Prayer for Inner Peace When Dealing with the Unknown
Lord, something has happened. I’m not sure of the situation, but I do know there is trouble and heartache in the life of a friend. She is filled with anxiety and fear of the unknown. Lord, please cover my friend with Your hedge of protection. Give her inner peace. Guide her steps in the situation. Remind her of Your love and mercy. Father, help me to be a good listener and to know when to speak and when not to speak. Thank You for loving us. Amen.
Prayer for Giving God the Worry and Not Taking it Back
Father, thank You for always listening and hearing our prayers. Today, I prayed and gave my worries to You. Then, within moments, I took them back and began worrying again. Forgive me. Lord, I need You. Help me to remember to rely on You and only You. Help me to remember Your plan is always best. Father, once again, I give my worries to You. I don’t want to take them back. I know I can’t solve the issues on my own. I need You. Thank You, Father. In Your Name, Amen.
Prayer is an important part of daily living. From waking in the morning and giving thanks to God, to praying during the day, to giving thanks at night for His love, mercy, and forgiveness, we have wonderful opportunities to praise the Lord.
When sleepless nights come, remember you are not alone. Go to God in prayer. Seek Him and ask for His comfort. You are His child. God loves you. He will give you inner peace.
Further Reading
A Beautiful Prayer for Inner Peace
15 Prayers for Peace to Experience Comfort and Calm
Photo credit: ©Gettyimages/Sam Thomas
Melissa is the author of Licky the Lizard and Grumpy the Gator. Her passions are helping in the community and church. Melissa is an Elder, Deacon, and Stephen Minister.
Follow Melissa on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, and at http://www.melissaghenderson.
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This article is part of our larger Prayer resource meant to inspire and encourage your prayer life when you face uncertain times. Remember, the Holy Spirit intercedes for us and God knows your heart even if you can't find the words to pray.
Prayer for God's Help
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Prayer for Protection
Morning Prayers
Good Night Prayers