Joshua exposes the crippling statistics of just how invasive pornography is in the lives of children, highlighting that parents must be open and honest with their kids about the pervasiveness and pitfalls centered on pornography.
The National Health Institute recently shared that 46% of men are addicted to porn—and 16% of women are. But what about the children addicted to pornography?
And while the adult film industry is gripping the hearts and minds of viewers of all ages, what about those in the films? The performers? Have you ever considered their backstory and what led them to this work?
Joshua Broome, a former porn star who found freedom through Jesus, sat down with Dr. James Spencer’s colleague, Maggie Hubbard, to discuss his redemptive journey.
Joshua grew up in a small town in South Carolina, where he attended a legalistic church and had an unhealthy relationship with his father. This strained tension caused Joshua to seek his worth through excellence in academics and sports. However, two porn stars approached Joshua and convinced him to visit their set for a possible career opportunity. He visited their fake “movie set” and was offered a role in a pornographic film.
He excelled in the adult entertainment industry but shares that he felt hollow and depressed. Eventually, his uncomfortability in this career led him to leave the industry.
Healing from this experience would take place through kind words from his bank teller, a pretty girl he started exercising with, and a seminary graduate, Andrew.
Today, Joshua uses his testimony to share how Jesus brought him out of the porn industry, freed him of shame and hopelessness, and has given his life rich meaning. He opens up about his personal story of overcoming addiction, finding fulfillment, and emphasizing the importance of having open conversations with children about sexuality.
Joshua exposes the crippling statistics of just how invasive pornography is in the lives of children, highlighting that parents must be open and honest with their kids about the pervasiveness and pitfalls centered on pornography.
The entertainment industry sneakily blurs the boundaries of manipulating footage and pressuring actors into performances they aren’t comfortable with. Unfortunately, the high-dollar profits that the adult film industry continues to make create easy avenues for exploitation and prostitution, leaving performers as victims trapped in a cycle of doing things they don’t want to do to maintain their relevance and secure their paychecks.
Listen to Joshua’s testimony on LifeAudio, where he delves further into his story and offers practical advice for overcoming pornography addiction, including honesty, inventory, boundaries, and accountability. For more on his current ministry, visit his website.
Photo Credit: ©Getty Images/Orbon Alija
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