Have you noticed books in stores and online which offer prayer for pets? Do you have special pets in your life and have said a prayer for pets?
A prayer for pets is important. Our pets are members of the family, too. Whether we have a dog, cat, bird, hamster, or some other kind of animal, there is always an opportunity to say a prayer for pets. Have you noticed books in stores and online which offer prayer for pets? Do you have special pets in your life and have said a prayer for pets? Magazines about animals are filled with photographs, stories, and information about different kinds of creatures. From the first day, a pet is welcomed into the family, a special bond can be formed. A strong relationship with a pet can bring peace during times of trouble and laughter during times of joy.
Should We Pray for Animals?
Yes, we should pray for animals. God created the animals (Genesis 2:19-20 NIV). God created the people. We pray for people. So, yes, we pray for animals. When an animal is accepted into a family, the animal learns to love and trust, if they are treated with care and kindness. People are the same way. Love, trust, care, compassion, and more growth as the animal and the human interact in positive ways.
When we learn about someone being ill, we don’t hesitate to offer prayer. When our animals are sick, we can pray for them, too.
God’s creations are unique and special. God created every human and every animal with a purpose and provided them with gifts and talents.
When we pray for animals, we are acknowledging that God is the creator and sustainer of life.
As a young girl, my first dog was a long-haired dachshund. Her name was Susie. That dog was trained before we chose her from the local animal shelter. Her owner could no longer keep Susie and had felt the only choice was to place her with the local shelter.
God intervened by sending my daddy and me to visit the animals on that special day. We chose Susie and after all the paperwork and details were completed, Susie went home with us.
She lived a long life. Our family gave extra love and attention to Susie, and she reciprocated with a strong devotion to our family.
When Susie was close to the end of her life, we prayed for a peaceful passing. I remember seeing Susie laying on a blanket my parents had provided for her. The look in her eyes as her breathing slowed let me know she was near to leaving. I prayed for her. I thanked Susie for loving us and for being our dog. Soon after, she passed away.
God asks us to pray for others. Scripture teaches us to follow the laws of God and that includes caring for people and animals ( 2 Timothy 3:16-17 NIV). All of His creations need prayer. Scripture tells about God creating the animals. God shows love for all His creations. We are called to show His love at all times.
Short Prayers for Pets
Father, thank You for the animals You create. Amen.
Lord, help us to show love and compassion for animals. In the name of Jesus, Amen.
Dear God, thank You for the ways to learn more about animals. Amen.
God, I love my pet. Thank You for allowing me to care for this animal. Amen.
Father, please send a pet to my family. We want to have a pet to love. Amen.
Abba, I ask for good health for my pet. Thank You. In the name of Jesus, Amen.
God, I pray that my pet will know they are loved. Amen.
Jesus, please calm my pet when storms come. Help me to comfort my pet. Amen.
Father, make me aware of dangers to my pet. Hot pavement, dangerous plants, and other ways they could be harmed. Please guide me to take extra special care of my pet. Thank You. Amen.
Lord, my pet is sick. Please bring healing according to Your plan. Amen.
Dear God, help me to find the right pet. Lead me to the pet You have waiting for me. Amen.
Father, bless all the animals of the world. Your creations are magnificent. Thank You. Amen.
God, I am worried about a neighbor’s pet. Help me to show my concern in the right way. Amen.
Father, thank You for the joy our pet brings to the family. Amen.
Abba, Your animals are special. From guide dogs to cats to rabbits, hamsters, and more, each animal created by You is a gift. Thank You. Amen.
Father, thank You for the comfort my dog gives when I am tired. Amen.
Lord, thank You for the joy my animal brings when I arrive home. Amen.
God, help me to remember each animal has a purpose in life. Amen.
Dear Lord, bless my pet as they pass on from this life. Help me to show comfort and love. Amen.
Father, thank You for all Your animals. Guide me to show love to each animal. Amen.
Prayers for Dying Pets
Most people who have had the joy of having a pet may have also experienced the sorrow of that animal dying. When our long-haired dachshund Susie was near the end of her life, many tears flowed as our family knew times would be different without the dog. Susie had a unique personality. She loved riding in the car, snuggling with family on the couch, and taking walks in the neighborhood. Each time my daddy would arrive home from work, Susie would be the first to hear the vehicle pulling into the driveway. Susie would run to the back door and bark while wagging her tail. When the door opened and Daddy stepped inside the house, Susie ran around in circles. Her excitement and joy brought happiness to everyone. We miss her very much. Our family is thankful to God for allowing that sweet little dog to become part of the family.
Dear Lord, our dog is ill. This special friend is nearing the end of life on this earth. Please provide comfort and peace for the passing. In the name of Jesus, Amen.
Father, thank You for giving us this special cat. The time has come for us to say goodbye. Our hearts are broken. Please cover our cat with Your comfort and peace. Thank You. Amen.
God, we’ve done everything we can to help our pet. Please let this animal be comfortable. Amen.
Lord, we know the time is coming when our beloved animal will go from this earth to be with You. Please take away any suffering that our pet is experiencing. Amen
Father, thank You for the time we have had with this precious pet. Amen.
Lord, cover this animal with Your love and protection. Thank You. Amen.
God, the time has come. Our pet is dying. We ask for Your comfort and peace to cover this beloved animal. Thank You. Amen.
Father, help us to provide a comforting and loving time for our pet as they near the end. Amen.
Lord, we are sad. Our pet is dying. Help us to know the best ways to care for our animal. Amen.
Abba, Your creations are amazing. Thank You for giving us this pet to love. Help our pet to know how much they are cherished. Amen.
Father, as we grieve the loss of our pet, help us to provide a loving environment as our pet nears the end of life on this earth. Amen.
God, we acknowledge the time has come for this pet’s life to end (Ecclesiastes 3:2 NIV). Please cover our pet with the peace and comfort only You can provide. Thank You. Amen.
Lord, please take away all pain and suffering from dying pets. We ask for Your mercy and love to cover these animals. Thank You. Amen.
Jesus, help us to give comfort to dying pets. Help us to have patience and understanding. Amen.
Father, I’m not sure how to help my dying pet. Guide me to show my pet how much they are loved. Thank You. Amen.
God, help me to contact the veterinarian when the time is right. Give me wisdom in this situation. Amen.
God, my pet is shaking and appears to be afraid. Show me ways to comfort my dying pet. Amen.
Lord, help me to trust in Your plan for my dying pet. Thank You. Amen.
Father, I’m afraid. My pet is dying. Please guide my actions to help comfort my pet. Amen.
Lord, thank You for giving this pet to our family. We lift up our dear animal and ask You to comfort them as they pass on from this earth. Thank You. In the name of Jesus, Amen.
Not everyone is able to have a pet. Allergies, home locations, neighborhood rules, and other reasons may prevent someone from having a pet. We do have the opportunity to pray for all of God’s creatures, whether they live in our home or another place.
There are animals in the zoo, on farms, in the forest, ocean, and sky. God has created animals for all climates and locations.
Pray for God’s creatures daily.
God loves all of His creations.
Melissa Henderson
Further Reading
Is it Biblical to Pray for Our Pets?
Photo credit: ©Getty Images/Wavebreakmedia
Melissa is the author of Licky the Lizard and Grumpy the Gator. Her passions are helping in the community and church. Melissa is an Elder, Deacon, and Stephen Minister.
Follow Melissa on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, and at http://www.melissaghenderson.
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