Have you ever seen a dress in the store and said to yourself, “That dress has my name on it.” Or, perhaps someone gave an elegant party in your honor with only you in mind. Well, that’s what God did when HE created this world; he did so with you in mind and he chose you when he planned creation (Ephesians 1:11-12). There are more than 6 billion people in the world—but none has the same fingerprint as you. No one is like you. Everything about you is different and fabulous. And you are enough.
Today’s culture demands running at 100 miles an hour. Success is defined by how many hours we pour ourselves into a day. The average work week has increased from 40 to 72.5-hours—especially if you are tethered to a cell phone. “In today’s world, the expectation is that when a question comes up, you’ll answer it within 30 minutes, whether it’s 8:00 at night, or 6 a.m.,” says organizational consultant Ed Muzio, author of Make Work Great. “The expectation is that if you’re awake, you’re going to be checking in.”
In addition to the work hours we give to our employers or businesses, if we have children we place them in numerous after-school activities. Every weekend is taken up by activities. Kids are embracing our hectic lifestyles and behaviors, as well as our dependence on technology. And, on the one day we are commanded to rest and replenish what the world has taken, we are involved in numerous church activities; choir, greeting visitors, and the usher board. We have embraced stressful, non-stop living as normal and no matter how much we give, the culture says more, more and more.
In addition to all of that busyness, we are constantly bombarded by images and messages that attack our self-image. On a daily basis we are told, either consciously or subconsciously, that we need to lose weight, we need to gain weight, we’re not smart enough, we’re not being good mothers or business women, we need to wear this label, live in that house, go to this grocery store, and spend more time doing. We are too light. We are too dark. We shouldn’t have freckles. Our hair is not straight enough. Our hair is not kinky enough. Our eyes are not the right color. Our teeth are not white enough. We’re too short. We’re too tall. Our thighs need tightening. We need bigger breasts. We need gel nails and we absolutely better not even think about leaving the house without that Spanx. And if we have cellulite we should be assassinated.
In the business world, we’re not assertive enough. Our style is too soft. Our style is too tough. We need to pull this lever, check that box, attend this school, stay late, show up early, not miss that meeting, shake this hand, meet that “important” person. We tune in either purposefully or subliminally to television programs and music that subjugates us and tell us, we need to change, the package we bring is just not enough.
But the culture does not define us. We are spiritual beings first, physical second. God says we are the apple of HIS eye. And the God that hangs the moon and ensures the sun rises each and every day says we are fearfully and wonderfully made (Psalm 139:14). We are already absolutely fabulous. Have you ever studied a rose? Have you really looked at how carefully God wove together the wings of a butterfly? When was the last time you saw the sun rise over the horizon? God did that, and yet, we are his highest creation, made in his image. And, if that’s not enough to blow your mind, he says he knew all about us even before we were conceived (Jeremiah 1:4-5). We are his most treasured possession (Exodus 19:5).
So when those images creep up on the many platforms that are available, or when the culture says you are not enough—remember the sunrise and that God didn’t make a single mistake, not one. If he was mistaken about anything, that means he was mistaken about everything. We are enough and if God says so, that settles it! We are each uniquely designed on purpose for a purpose. And, just like he crafted the rose—perfectly, he has also created you for a divine plan and assignment that only you are capable of doing. You are fabulous. You are a treasure. You are more than enough.
Lisa Brown Ross’s career spans radio and television reporting, public relations and public affairs consulting, motivational speaking and leadership development. She is a wife, mother, prayer warrior, poet and “Chief Inspiration Officer” for LisaRossInspiration.com. She serves as President of the LJR Group, Inc. a Public Relations and Public Affairs Firm located in Irving, Texas.
Publication date: October 9, 2014