When you have everything you want, and you’re still not happy
When we find ourselves on the other side of success in any area of our lives, we're convinced that crossing barrier would give us the peace and joy we crave. We’ll finally be happy when we have that man or woman in our lives. We’ll finally feel complete when we become parents. We’ll date our spouse again when the kids have gone off to college and life will be perfect again. But what if things don’t quite happen as we thought? What if after we’ve ticked all the right boxes, traveled the world, made all the money and the kids are off to college we’re still empty? What if we don’t quite hit the happiness mark even after we’ve done everything our heart has ever wanted?
If you find yourself in this situation, I urge you to reflect on your life and the changes you can make by answering these three questions:
1. Are you living your purpose?
It is possible to live a full life, do big and important things and have all that you ever needed and still not scratch the surface as far as living your purpose is concerned. Living your purpose means you’re right in the place where God wants you to be, doing the very thing He has ordained for you to do.
Philippians 2:13 NIV
"For it is God who works in you to will and to act in order to fulfill his good purpose."
There is a purpose God wants you to work out at every point in your life. He whispers it to you, nudges you in that direction and reminds you of it even when you go the other direction. It might not seem like an exciting option for you, but He knows what lies at the end of your obedience.
So, if you’re feeling a little lost and empty despite the success, you might have encountered in your life, dig deep, seek God’s face and let Him lead you where He wants you.
2. Are you living for others?
"Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world." James 1: 27 NIV
The first part of that scripture focuses on what you do for others. It’s a known fact that you experience a certain unexplainable joy when you go out of your way to bless others, especially those who do not have the power or ability to repay you.
Why not look around you and meet the needs of others? Look away from yourself, your feelings or emotions. You will not only be blessing others in their time of need; you’ll be obeying God’s word and finding a sense of purpose in the process.
We must not ignore the second part of that verse which says “to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.” Ask the Lord to examine your heart and show you where you need to honor Him by renewing your mind and living out His word.
3. Are you living to glorify God?
God has placed in us all the desire to reach out to Him, find Him and worship Him. Unfortunately, we usually try to fulfill that yearning by looking to other things. However, no matter what we chase and how we seek to fill that void in our lives, we are only truly complete in Christ Jesus. So, ask yourself, "Am I living to glorify God?" God may be using that feeling of dissatisfaction to remind you of who you are. His child. His beloved.
Ask Him to fill you with a constant desire to glorify Him in all you do. The more you seek his face, the more life and light will flood your soul. Look away from the distractions around you and place your desire and trust in God alone. At the end of the day nothing matters but your connection and relationship with Him.
"He has told you, O man, what is good; and what does the LORD require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God?" Micah 6:8 ESV
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