Praying the names of God can be a wonderful reminder of His holy attributes. It can be a way to honor and worship Him. And the peace we receive, by the mere mention of His name, is both comforting and reassuring for the time in which we live.
If you’ve ever done a Bible study about the names of God, you were likely blessed to discover the wonderful ways our Lord is described throughout the Old and New Testaments. Rich with meaning, the names of God not only point to who He is, they give us a clear picture of what He has done, is doing, and will do.
Praying the names of God can be a wonderful reminder of His holy attributes. It can be a way to honor and worship Him. And the peace we receive, by the mere mention of His name, is both comforting and reassuring for the time in which we live.
Here are a few reasons why we should pray the names of God and examples of how.
1. Affirmation
Praying the names of God brings affirmation to our hearts, minds, and souls. As we all know, doubt creeps in and causes us to question the Lord we love. However, fear and doubt quickly dissipate when we focus on affirming our Lord and Savior.
Here is an example of how you can pray and affirm who God is:
Sovereign God, Maker of heaven and earth,
I know that You are the Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end. There is nothing that escapes your sovereignty. I can trust You in all things. Today, Lord, I bring all my fears and doubts to You. I lay them at Your feet. I ask that You affirm in my heart exactly who You are. By the power of Your Holy Spirit, give me the assurance that You are who You say you are. Forgive me of any doubts that I’ve allowed to circle my mind. I will continue to draw from the deep well of certainty that You are my Father in heaven. You are my Lord and Savior. And You are my Prince of Peace.
In Jesus’ holy name,
Photo credit: Unsplash/Sam Balye
2. Declaration
Praying the names of God declares who He is and the mighty things He has done. When we feel weak, discouraged, or even tempted by the enemy, we can call upon the name of the Lord boldly, knowing He is mighty to save.
Here is an example of how you can pray and declare who God is:
There is no one like You! As Your word says, You are the great I AM. You are the Chief Cornerstone of my faith. There is no other foundation. There is no other way. For You are the Way, the Truth and the Life. I worship You today and declare Your praise. In every area of my life, I know You are working to refine me and restore me. Thank You, Lord for being my Helper and my Friend. I will forever lift up Your name and declare who You are.
In Jesus’ name I pray,
3. Comfort
Praying the names of God brings comfort to our weary souls. Just by speaking the names of the Lord aloud, a sense of peace washes over us by His Spirit. Throughout the Scriptures, we are given wonderful words of hope and joy. Turn your prayers into reminders of God’s steadfast love and be comforted today.
Here is an example of how you can pray and remember the God of all comfort:
How I long to remain in Your presence. For in You, I find peace and rest. You truly are the God of all Comfort. You lead me to quiet pastures; You restore my soul. Please help me abide in You - the True Vine. I need Your loving protection to guard against the winds of change that blow. I need Your words of truth to settle my wandering heart. Thank You, Lord, for being my blessed hope. Thank You for being El-Roi, the God who sees. You are Faithful and True!
In the beautiful name of Jesus I pray,
Photo credit: ©Getty Images/Sasiistock
4. Surrender
Praying the names of God is a form of surrender. With all the worries, responsibilities, and burdens we carry, we desperately need to surrender everything to the God who redeems. He not only redeems our lives from sin and death, He redeems us each new day.
Here is an example of how you can pray and surrender everything to God:
I surrender everything to You today. Every anxiety, every worry, and every trial — I hand them over to You. I know, Lord, that You are my Redeemer and my Restorer. In You I put my trust. Lord, I’m tired of trying to control everything around me. I surrender all control to You, for you are my Rock and my fortress. You are my hiding place. As you offer new mercies every morning, I thank You and praise You for Your goodness. I surrender my life to You and seek to walk in all Your ways. I look to You, the Author and Finisher of my faith. Thank You for hedging me in, behind and before. I will continue to walk in-step with Your Spirit, in all wisdom and truth.
In the precious name of Jesus I pray,
5. Wisdom
Praying the names of God is a way of seeking wisdom. As the tides of culture change, and our faith is greatly tested, we need the wisdom of God more than ever. One way to solidify your beliefs and walk in the wisdom of the Lord is to pray His holy name. By relying fully on His infinite knowledge, we remain steadfast and sure of what we believe.
Here is one example of how you can pray and seek God’s wisdom:
How vast are Your judgments and how true are Your words. You are completely trustworthy. Lord, please give me heavenly wisdom as mentioned in James 3:17 — wisdom that is pure, peace-loving, considerate, submissive, full of mercy and good fruit, impartial and sincere. You, Lord, are the only wise God. There is no one like You — holy, perfect, and just. You are the Branch — beautiful and glorious. Our wisdom is as foolishness to You, but Your wisdom is righteous and sure. Thank you, Lord, for being my God and King. Thank you for being the Lord of my life. I will seek Your wisdom daily, and ask for the strength to walk in that wisdom.
In Jesus’ holy name,
Photo credit: ©Getty Images/Zinkevych
This article is part of our prayer resource meant to inspire and encourage your prayer life when you face uncertain times. Remember, the Holy Spirit intercedes for us, and God knows your heart even if you can't find the words to pray.
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Prayers for Anxiousness
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