Stand Firm in Your Freedom - Beloved Women - January 27, 2025

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Stand Firm in Your Freedom - Beloved Women - January 27, 2025

READ: “It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery.” (Galatians 5:1 NIV)

TODAY'S ENCOURAGEMENT: As Christians, we know that we are already free from sin and condemnation. However, the Apostle Paul tells us in the book of Galatians that we need to stand firm in this freedom. If we do not, we will easily become burdened by living in the lie that we have to work for God’s love and forgiveness.

We will never experience God’s grace when we are too busy trying to work for it. Yet we work and strive, and hustle, and waste our lives trying to get something we already have. We live as slaves when we are already free. And it is in the striving that we lose the thing we are working for because you cannot work for grace. Our trying to work for God is the very thing that distances us from God. So today I encourage you to celebrate your freedom by standing firm in it.

PRAY: Dear Heavenly Father, thank You for the freedom I have in Your precious Son Jesus Christ. I pray for the courage today to stand boldly in that freedom. In Jesus Christ's Name, I pray. Amen.

REFLECT: What areas of your life are you not experiencing the freedom of Christ? How may you trust God in that area today?

CONNECT: Study the Bible with Christina Patterson at and connect with her on Instagram @ChristinaHPatterson.

MORE BELOVED: Join Beloved Women for our next online Bible Study “Worth More Than Rubies: A Bible Study on the 7 Virtues of the Proverbs 31 Woman.” This study takes a deeper look into not only what the virtues of a godly woman are but how we can gracefully and practically live them out to lead lives of faith, strength, and legacy. Learn more and join at

© 2021 by Christina Patterson. All rights reserved.

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Originally published Monday, 27 January 2025.