Forgiveness and Overflow of Love - Daily Treasure - September 9, 2024

Forgiveness and an Overflow of Love
by Lisa Wallover, Guest Writer

Today’s Treasure

And He said to her, “Your sins are forgiven.”

 Luke 7:48

Suggested Scripture reading for today: Luke 7:36-50

The door to the house was open, as she had hoped. People were already gathering; she could easily slip in with them and find a place along the wall in the open courtyard. She was grateful it was customary to allow the townspeople into a home to listen to the conversation of a respected rabbi while he and the invited guests reclined at the table and ate.  Never before would she have dared enter the house of a Pharisee. Not with her reputation. But the Rabbi she sought was like no other. This Teacher was Jesus. And He had changed her life. 

She watched as Jesus entered and was greeted by His host, Simon, who was a Pharisee. Like all Pharisees, Simon knew and respected both the law of God and the tradition of the elders, who interpreted the law for the people. Simon must be proud to have this Rabbi dine at his table, she thought. But then, why did Simon not greet the Teacher with a kiss on the cheek, as was the custom? Why did he not celebrate his guest’s arrival by pouring oil on His hair? Why did he not even provide a basin of water for Jesus to wash the dirt and dust off His feet?

It did not matter; she would do it. Not out of tradition or duty. Out of love. An overflow of love.

She knew that Simon would never allow a woman like her, whose life of sin was well-known in the town, to be near Him, let alone touch Him. The regulations of the elders forbade it. But this Jesus was unlike any other teacher. News of His words and deeds had spread to her village. He was a friend to the hated and the weak! This Jesus had healed a Roman centurion’s servant. He raised the only son of a poor widow. He challenged His followers to “be merciful, even as our Father in heaven is merciful.” 

Could this be true? Did even she have a Father in heaven, One who might love and protect her, even after all she had done and that had been done to her? Everything she knew of Jesus assured her: Yes. His light would enter the darkest places of her shame and bring her life. Forgiveness.

Jesus reclined on the low couch in front of  her, eating and talking. Overwhelmed by the grace she had experienced, she began to weep. Dropping to her knees, she would treat Him as the honored guest He was. For truly He had entered more than a home; He had entered her life.  

She welcomed Him with her tears, washing His feet. She honored Him with kisses of gratitude. She broke the wax seal on the alabaster vial around her neck, releasing the fragrance of the treasured perfume into the room as she poured out all she had valued onto the feet of the One who had cancelled her debt before God. 

Those watching would never understand. And so, Jesus told His parable: “A certain moneylender had two debtors. One owed five hundred denarii, and the other fifty. When they could not pay, he cancelled the debt of both. Now which of them will love him more?” 

Simon had answered, “The one, I suppose, for whom he cancelled the larger debt.”

Yes, Jesus agreed. Simon had understood that. But then: “Simon, do you see this woman?” Jesus’s question pierced the room. 

She knew that Jesus saw her, for He had told her story in that parable.

She had felt the burden of her great debt before God. And she had experienced the freedom only Jesus could offer! Not a passive sweep-it-under-the-rug forgetfulness, but an active give-your-burden-to-me expression of grace. He had forgiven her much, and oh, how she loved Him for it.  

Jesus saw her. He knew her. He valued her. And He would take her judgement upon Himself. Jesus received her repentance and her worship and reassured her that Yes! She has been forgiven! Her faith was in Him as the One Who could forgive and Who did forgive. She was set free to live her life in peace – shalom! – knowing her relationship with God had truly been restored. 

She was seen. She was forgiven. She would never be the same. 


Do you know that Jesus sees you, as well?

Have you experienced God’s gift of forgiveness, knowing that, because of Jesus’s work on the cross, He has completely forgiven the debt you could never pay? 

What words describe how that makes you feel? 

This Scripture reminds us that love is our response to God’s beautiful grace.
We love, because He first loved – and forgave – us! 

You can celebrate and rest in that restored relationship today.


Lord, there are times when I am afraid to be seen by You. Perhaps I am afraid that You will see me the way Simon saw the woman. But no! That is not what Your Word tells me. Instead, it promises that I can bring all of my brokenness and pour it out to You. You will never look away, never pull back, never send me away. Through Jesus, You have forgiven me, completely. As I see more of my sin, more of what You have paid for, let my love for You grow even greater!

More free resources for help, hope, and healing:

Anchored Hope Biblical Counseling – Biblically grounded, clinically informed virtual counseling. We offer convenient and confidential virtual counseling with theologically educated and professionally trained counselors.

About the Author: Lisa Wallover loves writing and creating gospel-centered resources for the local church. Married to PCA pastor David Wallover, she is author of the Post Tenebras Lux Series of five Good Friday services, published by the Presbyterian Church in America. This series was created within the context of a local church community which deeply embraces the rich truth that God’s grace is greater than our sin and shines all the brighter against the darkness. Lisa also assists with Midwest Alliance Readiness Seminars for church planting couples, and is a member of both the Parakaleo Leadership Community and the PCA’s WE (Wives of Elders) Connect Team. She has contributed articles to byFaith online and the enCourage blog.

As empty nesters, Lisa and David love traveling to visit their kids’ new nests.

Connect on fb: LisaWallover1 Connect on IG: lisawallover

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Originally published Monday, 09 September 2024.