Accusations - Daughters of Promise - June 16

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Who shall bring any charge against God’s elect?  It is God who justifies.  Romans 8:33

I guess there is no way Paul is going to finish a powerful chapter like Romans 8 without bringing in the subject of justification.  Perhaps he is aware that this is one reality that Christians down through the ages will fail to really grasp.  Without an experiential understanding of justification, one that goes beyond the fine print in some doctrinal handbook, God’s children will cave under the pressure of accusers.  They will shrink and lose their confidence as soon as anyone points a finger.

I have sinned.  People have had reasons to point a finger.  I wore deep shame.  Satan also accused me and he gets his facts right, every one.  But my hopeless story had a turning point.  There was a rescue.  Someone (Jesus) came forward and offered to take my life sentence of death.   The judge declared me ‘free to go’.   The man who took my punishment wore my prison uniform and he offered me his garments.  After I leave the courtroom, I know I will probably hear…. “There’s Christine who committed _____________.”  But I will quickly answer, “Didn’t you hear?  A man came forward and paid for my crime.  He set me free.  My debt to society has been paid in full.”  At that point there is nothing for them to say.  The key to my joy and celebration is knowing, and remembering, the power of the love of my Savior.

This verse has its roots in a story from Zechariah.  Israel has sinned badly.  Joshua, a high priest, stands before an angel of the Lord.  This priest is there to represent his people so he is dressed in filthy rags to signify their sin.  Satan is also there.  Isn’t he always?  He makes one accusation after another against God’s chosen people.

God speaks.  “I, the Lord, reject your accusations, Satan.  Yes, the Lord, who has chosen Jerusalem, rebukes you.  This man is like a burning stick that has been snatched from the fire.”  The angel said to the others standing there, “Take off his filthy clothes.”  Turning to Joshua he said, “See, I have taken away your sins, and now I am giving you these fine new clothes.”  Zechariah 3

In a prophetic act, God justified Israel.  Because of what Jesus did at Calvary, the court proceedings in heaven were forever re-written.  Daily, Satan comes to God to accuse us.  But as we stand there in our filthy robes, Satan is reminded that Jesus justified us.   He took our punishment, took on our shame and guilt, and gave us His beautiful robes of righteousness.  Daily, Satan is told that we are God’s chosen people.   Not guilty anymore.

Why would I ever wallow in guilt, Lord?  Make this story live in my heart.  It is the stuff of fairy tales, but true, only because of You, Jesus.   Amen

For more from Christine Wyrtzen and Jaime Wyrtzen Lauze, please visit

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Originally published Friday, 16 June 2023.