After All Is Said and Done - It's Beautiful! - Daughters of Promise - June 20

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Likewise, my brothers, you also have died to the law through the body of Christ, so that you may belong to another, to him who has been raised from the dead, in order that we may bear fruit for God.  Romans 7:4

Let’s not miss the forest for the trees!  After all the delicate study of law, works, grace, abundant life, sanctification and justification, it boils down to this ~ I belong to someone else now and the effect of that is changing my life everyday, forever.

Ever feel like an orphan?  You wonder where you belong.  Who will fully embrace you?  Even in families where there were mother and father figureheads, kids can feel like orphans.   For the rest of their lives, they’re looking for someone to invite them into a place of belonging.  Driven, having stretched out their arms indiscriminately, others ‘owned’ them and hurt them.  There are no safe masters except Jesus.

The decision to marry Him, to give myself completely to Him, is something I will never regret.  He is the perfect bridegroom and never disappoints.  In that marriage of complete contentment, I am changed by His love and the influence born of proximity.

What is marriage?  Love. Chemistry. Commitment. Intimacy. Partnership. Respect. Encouragement. Often knowing each other’s thoughts. I can’t really enter into marriage if I marry an author, live in another state, and simply read his books.  Yet, that’s the experience of most Christians.  Isn’t that sad?

Let the marriage begin.  The Christian life starts with a decision to enter into the kingdom through the door of Christ.   But most get just inside the door and freeze.  Afraid to trust.  Afraid to commit.  Afraid of intimacy.  Afraid of change.  How shall we be free to worship, glorify God, know ourselves, and bear fruit if we never enjoy marriage!  Jesus is the ever patient bridegroom who waits for us timid ones with arms outstretched.   Let’s go home all the way.

I am not technically married to you.  I’m fully married.  I’m deeply in love and will never look back at another master.  Amen

For more from Christine Wyrtzen and Jaime Wyrtzen Lauze, please visit

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Originally published Thursday, 20 June 2024.