Alive to You - Daughters of Promise - June 21

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But if Christ is in you, although the body is dead because of sin, the Spirit is life because of righteousness.  Romans 8:10

How does a child of God explain the spiritual phenomenon of what it’s like to be God’s child?  To an unbeliever it doesn’t compute because human language is inadequate to really capture it.   I can begin to understand John’s dilemma when his spirit was taken to the third heaven.  How would you describe that experience with words that are so confining!

One of the realities for the child of God is that he is alive to God.  I understand this, don’t you?  Everything God says and does impacts my heart.

There are many situations that can cause us to feel estranged from others.   Even though we may be near them in proximity, what we do doesn’t interest them.  Where we came from and what has shaped us is never probed.  Our tears are not noticed.  Our words are dismissed and forgotten.  It is as good as being dead to them.

When someone is alive to us, how differently it feels.  The contrast is so stark that it can feel frightening at first, but then exhilarating.

Paul is making this point.  If Christ is in me, the Spirit is alive to me.  I am alive to Him and He is alive to me.  See the pinks of an ocean sunset and my first thought is that the God who lives in me made that.  

Every word He says is alive to me.  Scripture flies like a sweet arrow deep into my heart and I care deeply about thought.  I also have the assurance that my words fly to His heart.  He waits for my company, longs for my stories, and is stirred by my words of affection.  

Nothing He says or does is insignificant to me.  And nothing I say or do is insignificant to Him.  We are fully alive and engaged by one another.   This automatically translates to progressive sanctification.  I am changed, second by second, by every thought of Him.

I’ve been dead to others.  Oh, I know the contrast.  I’m wonderfully alive to You and no one can steal it or change it.  This joy starts my day. Amen

For more from Christine Wyrtzen and Jaime Wyrtzen Lauze, please visit

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Originally published Friday, 21 June 2024.