Are We All Children of God? - Daughters of Promise - June 28

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For all who are led by the Spirit of God are sons of God.  Roman 8:14

Isn’t everyone who lives on planet earth God’s child?  Many think so and refer to the human race as children of God.   It is a warm, fuzzy concept that usually expands to include the belief that angels are all around and are sent to protect us.  The biblical truth is that everyone who lives on planet earth is God’s creation but not necessarily His child.  The dividing line is what one does with Jesus.

In John 8, Jesus tells a few Jewish people, including leaders, that the only ones who were really disciples were the ones who followed His teachings.   Those who didn’t accept Him as the Messiah and follow His teaching were slaves of sin.  The Jews were indignant, insisting that they were related to Abraham and were not slaves to anyone.  Oh, how blindness snares us all.   They had been slaves of many nations during their long history.  Even while they were saying this to Jesus, they were under the domination and authority of the Roman Empire.  Pride does blind us!

It is not possible to be led by the Spirit of God if I have not embraced Christ. The only way the Spirit of God comes to live in me is through belief in the death and resurrection of Jesus.

Just before Jesus was arrested, He told His disciples that He was going away but that it was better for them if He went because He would come to ‘be with them’ another way.  So who is the Spirit of God?  The resurrected Jesus – who is the Son of God – who is the Spirit of God – who is God.   The three are one.

There will be moments today when I sin.  I will do things, think things, and say things that will not be like Jesus.   That does not nullify my position as God’s child.  What I really need to ask myself is this ~ What am I like the rest of the time?  Do I have a heart that is bent toward following Jesus?  Would others say of me, “I can tell that she loves Jesus by her life!”  That does not mean that they never see me sin but that when I do, I care deeply because I have not been like Jesus.

Another paraphrase of today’s scripture is this, from Jesus’ teaching.   All who love Jesus and prove it by following His teaching as a way of life ~ are sons of God.

There are two families on this earth.  There are two fathers.  Only those who love and serve God, in Jesus, belong to the family of the Living God.

Never let me forget the great privilege of knowing I am your child.  I show how much it means to me when I follow You.   Amen

For more from Christine Wyrtzen and Jaime Wyrtzen Lauze, please visit

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Originally published Friday, 28 June 2024.