Brainwashing and Re-Programming - Daughters of Promise - February 7

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Jesus stood and cried out, saying, "If anyone thirsts, let him come to Me and drink. He who believes in Me, as the Scripture has said, out of his heart will flow rivers of living water."  John 7:37-38

Brainwashing.  Programming.   Two more terms that society associates with darkness.  Just like meditation.  Yet, the washing of our hearts and the re-programming our thought life are two biblical concepts.   It is possible to think in whole new ways, ways that are opposite to how we currently think.  It is possible to carve out new mental pathways where there were none before.  It is possible to re-program the way we look at things.  I can believe something deeply for forty years but experience a mental shakeup when scripture redefines my perception of things.  He fashions a new mindset!  Imagine.

Ever come up against someone’s mindset in an argument?  Perhaps you’ve have argued with someone for years and after hours of heated debate, deception hasn’t budged.  You can’t imagine why you, or they, couldn’t see the truth.  The problem was not an individual thought of deception but a whole conglomeration of thoughts; a mindset that is formed over a lifetime.   Only God can change that ~ and boy, is He eager to.

In scripture, God tells me the way things work.   He tells me who He is, who I am, the way the world works, and the way the kingdom operates.  Any paradigm outside of a kingdom paradigm is futile.

In the messiness of life, meditation is imperative.  When I feel abandoned by God, meditation has me focus on His faithfulness.  When I fear He has heard my prayers, meditation zeroes in His promises to answer prayer.  When my feels trip me up, meditation reorders my thoughts and channels my emotions to match up with truth.  A brainwashing and re-programming commences.

Tomorrow, some meditation skills to begin a new way of life.  For many it will be like it was for me in 1997.  It was the first day of the rest of my life.

I anticipate a new day tomorrow.  Amen

For more from Christine Wyrtzen and Jaime Wyrtzen Lauze, please visit

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Originally published Friday, 07 February 2025.