High Places - Daughters of Promise - March 12

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Jaime Wyrtzen Lauze´

Solomon loved the LORD, walking in the statutes of David his father, only he sacrificed and made offerings at the high places.  1 Kings 3:3

Have you ever wondered about how churches and nations get led astray?  Have you ever read the term "high places" in the Bible and wondered what it meant?  Maybe you have wondered how all of this relates to you.

We see the term "high places" first in Leviticus 26:30, Numbers, and Deuteronomy.   God specifically told His people not to build high places in order to worship idols. One of the violations I think of is Solomon and his many wives.  He did what God told him not to do.  He married, not only outside his own faith, but also he married many women who did not follow the God of Israel.  These women built high places where they could worship their false gods.  He caved into their pressure and made sacrifices along with them.

This set precedence for the kingdoms of Israel and Judah for many generations to come.  After the kingdom split between Rehoboam, Solomon's heir, and Jeroboam, an employee of Solomon, Jeroboam lived in fear.  He was terrified that when the people in his part of the kingdom went to Jerusalem to worship, that they would be influenced and would turn on him.  So he made high places, all set with golden calves, for his people to worship.  Only they weren't really worshiping God.  They were worshiping idols.

People are lead astray for a number of reasons.  As Christians, we have to stay obedient, listening to God's voice above all others.  Then we won't be sheep to the slaughter.  Instead, we will be watchmen on the wall.

Heavenly Father, Forgive me for the times I haven't been discerning.  I didn't listen to Your voice and reaped the consequences.  Help me to boldly speak the truth in love when I see my people falling into idolatry remembering that I have been guilty and forgiven of the same thing .In Jesus Name, Amen

For more from Christine Wyrtzen and Jaime Wyrtzen Lauze, please visit www.daughtersofpromise.org

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Originally published Wednesday, 12 March 2025.