Good News! He Chose Us to Be His Home! - Daughters of Promise - February 21

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For the LORD has chosen Zion; He has desired it for His habitation.  Psalm 132:12

House hunting is not easy and it’s never a quick undertaking.  There is always a list of things that are non-negotiable. Things like ~ Must have three bedrooms and two baths.  Must be close to grocery stores.  Must be newer construction.  Must have a basement (if you live in the north.)  Must be well insulated.  Must have newer roofing.  Must pass an inspection with flying colors.

Personally, after the filters were implement, I must say that every home we’ve ever purchased was preceded by a certain initial feeling when I walked into it.  I knew it was going to be ‘home’.  In fact, I saw the house that we currently live in on the Internet and still knew it was the right one.  Ron traveled 400 miles to see it in person and he bought it even though I’d never set foot in it.

Choosing a habitation is a big deal ~ even for God.   His eyes travel to and fro across the earth, searching for those whose hearts are completely His.  We, His bride, are a chosen people, His holy habitation.  But how can we make sense of this in light of the fact that we’re sinful human beings?   Shouldn’t God prefer to dwell in perfection?  In glorious places?  In palatial surroundings?  Why would He choose the likes of you and me?

Just as He chose a stable for His Son to be born, He still chooses the common to showcase the divine.  Even though humanity is fallen, the ones who place their trust in Jesus for salvation are made righteous because of Jesus.  They provide a sanctified environment for the Spirit of God to dwell.  They wear the righteous robes of Jesus because He provided the way for the great exchange ~ He took our sin as His own and we were given His righteousness as our own.

I feel the undeserved favor today.  I am the home of God’s Spirit.  By shunning sin, I make Him ‘feel at home’ and give Him the freedom to express His life through mine.

I’ll never get over it!  Amen

For more from Christine Wyrtzen and Jaime Wyrtzen Lauze, please visit

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Originally published Friday, 21 February 2025.