I Start with Myself - Daughters of Promise - March 11

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Jesus became troubled in spirit and testified, “Truly, truly, I tell you, one of you will betray Me.” The disciples began to look at one another, perplexed as to which of them He meant.  John 13:21-22

The atmosphere at the Lord’s Supper grew tense.  Jesus announced that one of the twelve would betray Him.  In that pregnant moment, I do not believe that each wondered which of his brothers could do such a thing.  I believe a dark cloud came over each of their faces as they considered their own weaknesses. Each one feared it was them.  After all, they had been with Jesus for three years to see the stark contrast between holiness and sinfulness.

Three years is a long time to travel with someone.  Their relationship with Him was intimate.  What they expected Him to do, He rarely did.  Each probably thought, “He’s not like me.”  What they anticipated He might say, He rarely said.  “He’s not like me,” they thought.  Whom they didn’t expected Him to heal, He did.  “He’s not like me.”  When they expected Him to honor sacred Jewish traditions, He surprised them by doing the opposite.  “He’s not like me.”  Believe me, they had plenty of time to understand their own sinfulness.  They knew quickly that they fell short of God’s glory – resident in Christ.

For Judas, the bait was money.  His love for riches was too great to choose faithfulness.  But for any one of the disciples, there might have been another temptation to tempt them to walk away.

It is imperative that I know my own weaknesses well.  Self-indulgent introspection doesn’t reveal them.  Only the mirror of the Word of God does.  I must let the Word judge my heart.  I must accept what God shows me, and then I must allow God to start changing what I love too much that threatens our relationship.  Yes, I could easily be a Judas.  I have had Judas moments.

I have known the bitter gall of failure.  I have drunk the wine of self-hatred.  I have questioned God’s radical forgiveness.  But grace won.  Failure, repentance, and forgiveness are great teachers.  I remember from which I’ve fallen and, but because of the grace of God, I pray I can finish the race well and avoid a Judas kind of detour. 

I don’t love others unconditionally without Your help.  I can only love YOU unconditionally by Your grace, too.  Challenge me and my affections.  Amen

For more from Christine Wyrtzen and Jaime Wyrtzen Lauze, please visit www.daughtersofpromise.org

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Originally published Tuesday, 11 March 2025.