Thus says the LORD, the God of Israel, 'Write all the words which I have spoken to you in a book. Jeremiah 30:2
Where would we be today if people hadn’t taken the time to write out the Scriptures? Where would we be today if our favorite Christian authors hadn’t taken the time to meditate, study, and then capture their findings on paper?
And what would I have missed if I hadn’t journaled over these many years? While I haven’t been perfectly disciplined, I do have journal books that are stored by date. Each entry reminds me of what I struggled with at the time and the way God spoke to me about it through scripture and prayer. I expressed that day’s experience on paper and by reviewing it down the road, I was able to enter into the strength and beauty all over again. God’s voice was heard again in my spirit and it benefitted me yet again.
As you write down your meditation experience, you may have questions as well. Make note of them and commit them to prayer. Meditations are rarely just for one day. The mystery of God and His ways are unwrapped over time.
How can I review if I don’t capture the memory? Help me make the most of your personalized instruction. Amen
For more from Christine Wyrtzen and Jaime Wyrtzen Lauze, please visit
Originally published Thursday, 13 March 2025.