Jesus said to him, “Have I been with you so long, and you still do not know me, Philip? Whoever has seen me has seen the Father. John 14:9
The concept is unbelievable. A timeless, omnipotent, powerful, holy God confines part of Himself to live a life through a human being. He called it an incarnation. How can such vastness be contained?
God speaks and planets appear out of nowhere. God pushes galaxies around with the tip of His finger. He breathes over a dead Earth and everything brown turns to green. So, can this God be conceived and then grow inside a virgin and emerge as not only the image of God, but God Himself? Jesus confirmed all this was true and this is what got Him crucified. He claimed He was God.
The expanse of God really can live in a person. Jesus proved that. God, in Christ, restrained His power, but when it was unleashed at various pivotal moments, the dead were raised, storms ceased, and the blind were made to see.
I can dare to believe that I have not only been made in God’s image but am also a container in whom the Spirit of God lives. All that power, wisdom, creativity, peace, and holiness lives in my spirit. Can others see evidence of that? Is His glory visible? Am I bold enough, when prompted, to call upon the surpassing power of His greatness to work through me? Perhaps I am shy of it because I have forgotten that I can be, and am created to be, possessed by Spirit.
Just as the god of this world possesses a demoniac, I am to be overtaken by the Spirit of God. It will be quite evident to others that I am not my own. Like Jesus, my works of faith will be both glorious and controversial.
Help me fully understand what Your incarnation means for me. It’s so loaded with implications and I know I haven’t begun to grasp it. Amen
For more from Christine Wyrtzen and Jaime Wyrtzen Lauze, please visit www.daughtersofpromise.org
Originally published Wednesday, 01 January 2025.