Pilate Saw the Envy - Daughters of Promise - August 15

Jaime Wyrtzen Lauze´

Our motives aren’t as hidden as we’d like to think they are. Envy in particular and other bad motives have a way of coming through our words and actions.

Mark 15 gets into the motives of the Pharisees who targeted Jesus. It specifically says that they did it out of envy. Mark says it twice. Whenever something is repeated in the Bible, especially in close succession, take notice. Pilate knew this motive. The Bible mentions that as well. But that didn’t stop Pilate from sending Jesus to a horrific death. His own job was on the line. Another bad motive.

Have you been the victim of someone’s bad motives? Maybe you’ve been a victim of your own. The secrets of your heart came spilling out. Take comfort in this for both situations. God knew all of this in advance. So before you begin to feel helpless and trapped know that God had a plan before time began. Lift up your case to Jesus, your very own intercessor. He will work your situation out for His glory. Even if you are the one at fault. Take your pain to God with a repentant heart and He will hear you and guide you.

Envy will make us do the most horrible things if left unchecked. It rarely ever remains hidden. In more ways than one it nailed our savior and king to the cross. But here’s an epiphany: my envy is every bit as sinful as the Pharisees. What an awful thought!

But here’s the good news out of it all. God will use terrible things to accomplish His holy purpose. This purpose was to save the world.

For more from Christine Wyrtzen and Jaime Wyrtzen Lauze, please visit www.daughtersofpromise.org

Originally published Monday, 15 August 2016.