Prayer for the Future - Daughters of Promise - August 18

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“Remember not the former things, nor consider the things of old.  Behold, I am doing a new thing; now it springs forth, do you not perceive it? I will make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert.   Isaiah 43:18-19

Make a way ~ To put in place, cause, set.


Jesus, I’ve been sitting at Your feet for a long time.   You’re the best teacher I’ve ever known.   You know when to reveal a truth and when to ask leading questions so that I discover divine wisdom.  You are not a God who delights to see His children flounder.  You promise very clear direction and have so many creative ways to bring the answers to us.

I learned that You can do a new thing no matter how old I am.  I learned that just because things have always been a certain way doesn’t mean they will stay that way.  I learned that just because people have always acted a certain way doesn’t mean You can’t change them.  I’ve seen You turn my life upside down, changing me from decades of hopeless thinking.  I’ve seen You deliver and heal people I love; some even in their old age.  You do make a way in the wilderness.  You are the God of new things.

I am at a new faith crossroads.  I’ve never been in this particular place before.   Whatever has been familiar and predictable is missing.  It looks like the land of no provision, a desert, and the answers for how to make my way is unclear. I’m afraid. I don’t have the power to transform the landscape of nothingness.

I spread out the future before You.  There is a harvest and I am Your laborer.  It is clear that, though I see a desert, You are making a new road.  Put up road signs so that I don’t miss it.  Let me hear the sounds of a roaring river, the rivers of Your provision.  When my faith would fail me, I review our history.  You have never failed me!  You are wealthy beyond measure to give whatever I might need on this trek into unfamiliar territory.

I’m looking for the footprints of sandaled feet.   I follow You – and I know that I don’t need to see down the road.  You do.   Show me the next step. Amen

For more from Christine Wyrtzen and Jaime Wyrtzen Lauze, please visit

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Originally published Friday, 18 August 2023.