The Anointed One Anoints - Daughters of Promise - August 1

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You anoint my head with oil, my cup runs over.  Psalm 23:5b

This Psalm is more than just poetry.  I am invited to picture walking in green pastures.  I am encouraged to see Jesus with his staff; guiding and protecting me.  I am urged to behold a banquet table laden with delicacies, prepared by God’s own hand.   I am even invited to perceive God’s enemies looking on from afar and I am comforted that they have no access to this holy moment.  And then, there’s the anointing.  

As I anticipate it, I think of another anointing by water; when Jesus was baptized.  John the Baptist was breathless with wonder.  He was about to lower the Lamb of God beneath the surface of the river Jordan.  Time stood still and this holy act unfolded in slow motion.  Jesus was submerged; then burst forth.  This only lasted for a moment, but neither was ever the same again.   This was confirmed as the heavens opened and God spoke words of blessing over His Son. A beautiful dove, the Holy Spirit, descended on Him.   

The Anointed One anoints me. After a sumptuous meal at His table, this is His holy benediction.  

I am seated at the table and He approaches me from behind.   He pours oil over my head and it runs down the side of my face.  “I have called you and you are mine,” He says.  I am filled to overflowing as His Spirit energizes each word He speaks.   The anointing accomplishes its purpose.   I’m blessed to live and serve in the power of His Spirit.  Just like Jesus.  

I leave this holy place in my spirit and enter the wildernesses of my life, just as Jesus did.  Oftentimes I am tempted to doubt the love of the One who anointed me but I remember.  My cup still overflows.  Memories are powerful things. Anytime I want, I can re-visit them. The feelings of being there return; sounds and smells are almost palpable. Each one feels like yesterday.   I was created with eternity in my heart. Though I’ve not yet been in person to the banquet table, I ‘know’ there.   My spirit, even at this moment, feels the impact of this encounter with the Anointed One.  Whether the the taste of manna or the feel of oil on my skin, both are real and sustaining.  

Anointed for service.   Filled to overflowing.  Today is lived for Your glory.  Amen

For more from Christine Wyrtzen and Jaime Wyrtzen Lauze, please visit

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Originally published Thursday, 01 August 2024.