The Life of Jesus. A Journey of Discovery - Daughters of Promise - January 3

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Now there are also many other things that Jesus did. Were every one of them to be written, I suppose that the world itself could not contain the books that would be written.  John 21:25

There is so much more to be learned about Jesus.  Let me be clear though.  The Bible is complete and no more can ever be added to it.  However, God is still the revealer of mysteries within the multi-faceted, multi-layered pages of His Word.  There is much the Holy Spirit wants to show us about Jesus.  There will be spellbinding discoveries and His glory will be on full display. For the next many weeks, each day’s devotional will capture one moment of His life.  I don’t think I’ve been this excited about any venture.

Consider this with me.  What if there was a new book release entitled, ‘One Thousand New Discoveries on the Life of Jesus?’  It would be a worldwide bestseller.  Wouldn’t you agree?  But for what reason would it fly off the shelves?  I’m convinced that many unbelievers would study the life of Jesus Christ for pure historical value.  He is the most influential person ever to have lived.  But I’m also convinced that many believers study the life of Christ so that they can learn interesting tidbits to share at their next Bible Study.

They are disciples who thrive on being reporters.

Famous people suffer from loneliness and struggle to know whom they can trust.  Many of those who seem genuinely interested in them end up betraying them.  They draw close, invade their privacy, and then boast to their own circle of friends about what they’ve learned.  They feast on the failures of their famous person and those discoveries give them significance as they whisper their secrets.  For those in the limelight, it’s very difficult to discern the motives of all who profess love and loyalty.

Jesus was, and is, famous.  Oh, that all Bible Study would be for the purpose of loving Him more, not to report what was learned.  He waits for true seekers to draw close.  He waits to participate in the journey of any who desires to know Him better.  He opens blind eyes to His glory.  He unveils spiritual food where we least expect it.   At the beginning of this New Year, He is fully engaged.  He’s eager to speak, confirm, nudge, convict, embrace, and breathe His very life into every life-changing discovery ahead of us.

Are you on the edge of Your seat, Jesus? I am. Amen

For more from Christine Wyrtzen and Jaime Wyrtzen Lauze, please visit

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Originally published Monday, 03 January 2022.