The Pain of Disharmony - Daughters of Promise - August 7


Judah has broken faith. A detestable thing has been committed in Israel and in Jerusalem: Judah is marrying the daughter of a foreign god. Malachi 2:11

The men in Israel are doing it again.  Throughout history, they spurned God’s instructions on the issue of marriage.  He warned them of the pain they would suffer if they married outside of their faith.  Their spirit would never be at rest. Their homes would be a place where the worship of two gods collided.  Husbands and wives would be at odds over nearly every decision.  Nonetheless, the Jewish men in Malachi’s day discarded their Jewish wives in order to marry the foreigners who had captured their senses.

I don’t have to tell many of you what life is like in the home where a believer has walked down the aisle to unite with an unbeliever.  Though they went through the motions of lighting a unity candle, oneness has eluded them on many issues, the most important ones being issues of faith.  Unless God is merciful and that unbeliever comes to Christ, the pain in their home will be great.

How can one person who loves God more than anything in this world make critical decisions with someone whose priorities exclude God?  While one person prays to discern God’s will, the other bends to serve his flesh.  He will be more likely to pursue courses of action that further his career or cater to his senses.  He can’t help it.  He has no power inside to change his desires or harness his selfishness.

The voices of marital partners – pleading with each other to attend church and raise children God’s way – can be heard across our land.   The pain of disharmony is what causes many to cry themselves to sleep. The friction is unbearable but, nonetheless, for the many of God’s children living in at atmosphere of friction, God is giving grace by drawing close to the believing spouse 

God is not an ogre when He entrusts us with His precepts. Our flesh hates rules and upon hearing them, we desire to break them.  Satan has fooled us into believing that spurning rules brings great reward.  There can be euphoria when you feel like you’ve won against restrictions but God reminds us today that rules protect us from pain and make us free to soar on the narrow way.  They highlight the pathway that says, “Way to Internal Prosperity.”

Oh Father, many who read this are living in disharmony. They feel that it is too late. Wrap them in Your arms of comfort. May Your Spirit live powerfully in them – wooing their unbelieving partners to find You. You are merciful and long to write another ending to our stories. Amen

Copyright Christine Inc.

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Originally published Wednesday, 07 August 2019.