What Will We Do When It Happens? - Daughters of Promise - November 5

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By: Christine Wyrtzen

Unless the Lord watches over the city [or nation], the watchmen stand guard in vain." Psalm 127:1

Many things have transpired that have caused me to write this today. I’ve been dreaming all week about God’s judgment. I’m weary and shaken. I’ve also been reading headlines and watching the news. I’m heartsick over the state of things and though I’m a Bible Teacher and have refrained from getting into anything that smells of politics, there is a line where the moral degeneration of society, propelled by the policies of government, reach a height that will bring nothing short of God’s judgment. Is it imminent? Or will it be in one hundred years? No one knows but God.  It sure ‘feels’ imminent enough that I’m asking myself, “What will I do when it happens?” Here are a few things that are haunting me from just this week.

Cindy Gallop is crusading to show sex in a softer light through her movement called Make Love Not Porn. Her goal is to provide a website where children and teens can see real people, in relationship, making love. Children can ‘see it all’ and her crusade is seen by many as morally lifesaving. (Watch the clip on ABC News)

  • Thousands took to the streets in San Francisco after the U.S. Supreme Court cleared the way for gay marriages to resume. To see who was celebrating was sobering. 
  • We have a president who, as an Illinois State Senator, was passionate about the legality of killing babies born alive after botched abortions. He fought for it tirelessly. (This is the procedure that led to Dr. Gosnell’s recent conviction of first-degree murder.)
  • A recent poll showed that 80% of children between the ages of 8-12 have seen a significant amount of hard-core pornography. 

Such a short list but isn’t that enough to make one grieve? 

I can tell you that there is a growing number of people, Christian leaders included, who are hand-copying scriptures, preparing for the time when we may have Bibles confiscated. They are copying a chapter at a time, a book at a time, and hiding them in multiple places. I’m joining them.

How well would I stand if judgment came? Do I have the physical, emotional, and spiritual stamina necessary to stand and not crumble? Will my faith in a loving God remain in tact? Is my theology set in stone? 

This was my prayer earlier for me and for my family. I’ve re-written it so that it’s also my prayer for you.

Help us be faithful, even in adversity, Lord. Help us bear up well under your hand of judgment without abandoning our faith. Forgive us for our entitlement. We do not expect You to ignore sin and rebellion. We know Your Word, Your character, and we know history. In loving-kindness You have restrained Yourself, wooing us and calling us to repentance. Drive us now to the scriptures. Write it on our hearts so that it simmers endlessly in coming oppression. Let us never doubt Your love when things are hard. Through much tribulation, we will enter the kingdom. But in much tribulation, nothing, absolutely nothing, can separate us from Your love. Amen. 

For more from Christine Wyrtzen and Jaime Wyrtzen Lauze, please visit www.daughtersofpromise.org

For more from Christine Wyrtzen and Jaime Wyrtzen Lauze, please visit www.daughtersofpromise.org

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Originally published Tuesday, 05 November 2024.