When God Sheds Light on It - Daughters of Promise - January 8

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The directions of Yahweh are pure, enlightening the eyes.  Psalm 19:8

The Hebrew word for light means ‘to illuminate.’  When I finally understand a subject under the teaching of someone gifted, I’ll say that he ‘shed some light on the topic.’  At creation, when there was darkness and chaos, God said ‘Let there be light.’  He shed some light on the world and brought order.

Do you have a situation in your life that lacks clarity?  Have you been asking God for understanding?  Once He chooses to bestow the gift of light, His influence over darkened minds, confused minds, and oppressed minds, is pervasive.  He illumines what is cloudy.  He puts a magnifying glass over the twisted strands of thread and all of a sudden, we can see the steps we need to take to untangle what is knotted.

For years, I can struggle with a situation that doesn’t seem right.  I’m not a peace.  I am in conflict when I think about it.  But I don’t have clarity on what it is that’s wrong.  Yesterday was one of those days that will go down in personal history.  God shed light on things that lived in the shadows.  Illumined, I could see everything clearly and today there is a roadmap.  Yesterday, I was lost in the fog.  Today, I have discovered God’s plan.  Yesterday, I was grasping at spiritual straws.  Today, I have what I need in my hands.  Yesterday, I had faith but no enlightenment.  Today, I have hope because my prayers have precision.

The Word of God gives light to the eyes.  Today, God is going to be the Light-giver across this dark landscape.   For someone, He will cure spiritual blindness and allow them to see the light and glory of Jesus.  For someone else, He will turn the light on a concept that correctly diagnoses what has been spiritually infirmed.  For a teacher, He will enlighten a passage and give spiritual understanding for Sunday’s lesson.  For a mother, He will enlighten the spiritual condition of her child so that she can apply spiritual cures.  For a business owner, God will enlighten the discord within his company and lead him to replace worldly business strategies with scripturally based principles.

Light is a life-saving thing.  When I need it, and when God gives it, I fall on my knees in gratitude.  And when He gives it, I am responsible to take the light to the darkness and exert spiritual rule in favor of the kingdom.

Show me what to do with what You’ve shown me.  I am Your city on a hill.  In Jesus' name, Amen

For more from Christine Wyrtzen and Jaime Wyrtzen Lauze, please visit www.daughtersofpromise.org

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Originally published Wednesday, 08 January 2025.