Heartbreak: When Your Spouse Is Unfaithful - Encouragement Café - March 12

Heartbreak: When Your Spouse Is Unfaithful
 By A Friend of Encouragement Cafe

Many waters cannot quench love; rivers cannot wash it away. Song of Solomon 8:7

The heartbreak I never dreamt I would ever have to face.

My world was set – perfect family, house, work – I was so full of joy and happiness. My marriage was amazing, I was in love and I was loved. We were happy but the enemy used a certain girl to persistently chase after my husband, and since he is human, he fell. One moment of weakness, one encounter orchestrated by the enemy who seeks to kill, steal and destroy and my world came crashing down around me.

If you are in this position my heart breaks for you, it is a pain which cannot be put into words and cannot be understood unless you have felt it yourself. But dear daughter of the King, your God is greater. He can heal the heartbreak; He can restore your marriage. It’s not an easy road but if you choose to walk the road of restoration you will be blessed.

As I sat in church the following Sunday I prayed for healing, of my heart and my marriage. I was determined that the enemy was not going to win. He was not going to kill, steal or destroy my marriage.

I told no one, only one godly soul sister, asking her to pray as my marriage was under attack and she prayed although she did not know what for.

Sister, God reached into my hurting soul and into my marriage and He taught me how to forgive and He is healing us. I am not writing this after the dust has settled, I am writing this in the midst of an ongoing storm and I can tell you that God heals all wounds. God restores, God strengthens. But we need to be willing to do our part. We need to fight for our marriages, if we are willing to fight, willing to forgive, from experience I can testify that your marriage can come out the other end stronger than before.

No matter where we look in our society marriage is under attack, comedies belittle it, romance films depict true love as something to be found in affairs, politicians have decided that marriage should be available to all no matter their gender, and news media see celebrity marriages as fair game to be slandered and attacked.

But marriage was designed by God, it is His and it is wonderful. It is not easy and often it is not kind but it is God’s and this is why I refused to let the devil steal my marriage. It was not his and it never will be.

This has been the most painful experience of my life, the scars are deep but God goes deeper. 

If you are in the midst of your own storm, take heart God is there with you. He knows your pain; He knows and understands your inaudible cries. He knows. He loves you. His is a love which will never betray you. If you know that God brought you and your spouse together, know that He still has a plan for your marriage. All is not lost, the pain will dull and your love for your spouse will grow in ways that are beyond human understanding.

Lord, I thank You for Your love, thank You that it is unchanging. Lord, I thank You that in the midst of our pain You are there. You understand our inaudible cries; You understand the pain that causes us to fall on our faces in agony. Lord, I ask that Your everlasting arms would surround those who are in the midst of this pain, that You would pour strength into them. Bless them Lord and give us the strength to fight for our marriages. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

© 2020 by A Friend of Encouragement Cafe.  All rights reserved.

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Originally published Wednesday, 12 March 2025.