Complacency - Encouragement Café - Feb. 13, 2014


Cafe Menu for Thursday, February 13, 2014.

Today’s Special is:  Neither Hot nor Cold

Carefully prepared just for you by your friend, Ramona Davis

Main Ingredient:

"Submit yourselves, then, to God.  Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.  Come near to God and he will come near to you." James 4:7-8a (NIV)


“Ramona, I’m so tired of you being lukewarm.”  God branded those words on my heart like a hot iron in October of 1998.

Complacency; it is a subtle sin that is rampant among the body of Christ.  None of us are immune to it.  It’s easy to:  pick up a book instead of the Good Book; turn on the TV instead of enjoying Him through His creation; and effortlessly hit the snooze button instead of getting up for quiet time with Jesus.

I NEVER want to go back to the complacent life I was living, but I am learning how subtly this sin enters into my life.  I’ve been praying for God to reveal any area where I am growing complacent.  He is happy to oblige.  I ask Him to alert me when my choices begin to slip into complacency.

I’m now aware of the crux of the problem.  I resist Him.  Perhaps you are quietly thinking . . . I love Jesus, I don’t resist Him.  That was my first reaction too.  Nevertheless I prayed, “Lord, show me where I am resisting you.”  Turns out, I do it all the time.  When I do, my heart grows a little more complacent.

I lovingly ask you to use this “list” as a time for self-examination, not condemnation.  God is so merciful and compassionate in His discipline toward us.  His unfailing love blots out our sins.  Here’s part of what He’s been showing me:

  • I resist His gift of forgiveness when I have difficulty forgiving myself for past sins and choose shame instead.
  • I resist His whisper to simply sit with Him and enjoy Him and the wonder of His creation.  I choose busyness.
  • I resist His goodness and current provision which shows itself in discontent.
  • I resist His gift of peace and rest when I refuse to come to Him, fall into His arms with my heartaches, problems, hectic schedules and responsibilities.  Rather, I choose to be stressed and depressed.

My list goes on and on.  The point is I resist Him.  The truth is I don’t want to.  Being aware is half of the battle.  I want to be aware each time I am tempted to resist Him and immediately draw near to Him.  I want to be totally and fully submitted to Jesus.  I know you do too.

Take Out:

During your quiet time, I challenge you to ask the Lord where you may be resisting Him.  Allow Him to put His compassionate hand on your heart and insert His spiritual thermometer.


Father God, we want to have our hearts aflame for Your Son, Jesus Christ.  Help us to see clearly the moment we begin to resist Him.  We want to live our lives allowing you to work in us and through us to accomplish Your perfect will.  May our passion for You continue to grow until the day we draw our last breath.  May our devotion to You be so attractive to others, they will desire You.  Help us to resist the devil and draw near to You.  In the sweet name of Jesus, Amen.

For more encouragement, visit Ramona at her blog In Quiet Times.

© 2012 by Ramona Davis.  All rights reserved.

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Originally published Thursday, 13 February 2014.