Supplying Our Needs - Encouragement Café - September 3

Supplying Our Needs
 By Carolyn Dale Newell

And my God shall supply all your need according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus.
 Philippians 4:19 NKJV

What an amazing promise to calm our fears. Our Heavenly Father will supply all our needs. It is all, not part, not a percentage, but ALL. That includes every single need that we have.

The significant and most misunderstood word in this verse is “need.” In the United States, we have trouble distinguishing between our needs and our wants. There is nothing wrong with having things, but we are accustomed to living with so much that the lines become blurred.

Aside from our temporal needs, God will supply strength when we are weak, comfort when we are grieved and grace for any trial.

Notice the phrase, “according to His riches.” It is very different than our idea of accounting. When we write a check, we need to subtract that amount from our checking account. Not so with God, there is no deducting. He has a never-ending, unlimited supply.

Consider the ocean. Men could line the shores of all the world’s oceans and begin to dump out the water, but it would never be empty. That is very similar to God. Only with God, you would not miss even one bucket full. God’s supply can never be depleted.

In the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus tells us not to worry about food or clothing. God provides for the birds and the flowers, so He will certainly provide for His children (Matthew 6:25-40).

Are we going to trust our Heavenly Father to provide for us or are we going to allow doubts to fill our minds with worry? If we trust God for salvation, then we must also trust His promise to care for us. He knows what we genuinely need and He will supply it according to His vast riches.

Commit Philippians 4:19 to memory. Read Matthew 6:25-40. Whenever doubt or fear trouble you, reflect on His promises. Consider the differences between your wants and your needs. Often our first reaction to any trial is worry and fear, but we must remind ourselves to trust God’s promises.

Dear Heavenly Father, You graciously provide exactly what we need just when we need it. Forgive us for the times when we fail to remember Your promises and we doubt or worry. Thank You for supplying all our needs Gracious Father. Amen.

Exchange fear for faith, worry for worship, and panic for peace with Carolyn’s new book, Eyes of Faith: Winning the Battle Between Our Feelings and Our Faith. For more encouragement, visit Carolyn at

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Originally published Tuesday, 03 September 2024.