Take Courage in the Storm - Encouragement for Today - April 1, 2024

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Sarah FreymuthApril 1, 2024

Take Courage in the Storm

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“But Jesus immediately said to them: ‘Take courage! It is I. Don’t be afraid.’” Matthew 14:27 (NIV)

Already it’s a squall of a day — emotions all tangled, deadlines looming before I even begin on my projects, and a constant worry in the back of my mind that God may not be in a hurry to help me out of my latest fear.

My spiritual boat is battered, far from the safety of shore. How I long to take control of it all, but the waves come fiercely, tossing my heart about.

When life’s storms rage, we can feel absolutely helpless, as if one more wave will knock us out of the boat and into the water. We get frantic and afraid, wondering if we’ve been forgotten.

But somewhere among the mist and moonlight, a figure appears. Moving toward us on top of the waves. As if nothing ruffles Him. His eyes are fixed on us, His hand turned toward us. Who is this who faces the swelling water and slashing rain and does not falter?

“Take courage! It is I,” Jesus tells us in Matthew 14:27. He says, “Don’t be afraid.”

Jesus has come for us. His steps are steady, purposeful. He knows exactly where we are in our storms and will stop at nothing to see us through. The winds of struggle may blow straight at us, fierce and menacing. But Jesus comes straight to us, standing on top of what we fear.

There is nothing we can’t face when the Lord who stilled the sea longs to still what rages within us. He comes to be with us, stepping right into our storms without hesitation. This is who He is.

He even invites us to step out of the boat and onto the waves, in direct opposition to our hearts’ terror. He calls us with one simple word: “Come” (Matthew 14:29a, NIV).

And we have the chance to let our faith be bigger than our fear, to walk toward the One who stands with hands outstretched. The God who walks on water to meet us will not let us sink.

Do you believe He is willing to walk into your storm, into the waves that roil? Do you trust Him enough that when He extends His invitation, you get out of the boat in faith?

Friend, we are safe in His arms.

God directs our steps and makes them secure. We don’t have to worry about where we’re going because we know who guides us. It’s OK to admit we’re afraid or out of our element. The more out of sorts we feel, the more we can lean into God, who gives us all we need along the way. He is walking toward us in the storm; let’s allow Jesus to calm the seas of our hearts.

Father, my heart is aching today. The storms of life are tossing me about, and I am afraid and weary. Stretch my faith through the comfort of Your presence. Thank You for being in control of my life; I can trust You. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.


Please join us in partnering with moms around the world who want to see their children grow to be healthy, strong followers of Jesus. Through the work of Compassion International, children are being released from poverty — in Jesus’ name and always through the local church. Would you join us in sponsoring a child today? When you become a sponsor, Compassion will send you a copy of our Keep Holding On study as our thanks for investing in the life of a child.


For more from Sarah Freymuth, you can visit her website or connect with her on Instagram and Facebook.


Matthew 14:31, “Jesus immediately reached out his hand and took hold of him, saying to him, ‘O you of little faith, why did you doubt?’” (ESV).

How has God met you in the middle of your storms? How can you take comfort that He is with you in your most recent trial?

Try finding a favorite worship song and letting it play throughout the day. Keep your heart in a state of praise while He sees you through.

We’d love to hear from you! Share your thoughts in the comments.

© 2024 by Sarah Freymuth. All rights reserved.

Proverbs 31 Ministries
P.O. Box 3189
Matthews, NC 28106

Originally published Monday, 01 April 2024.