Finding Rest for Your Soul - Encouragement for Today - August 7, 2023

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Wendy BlightAugust 7, 2023

Finding Rest for Your Soul

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“You will keep in perfect peace those whose minds are steadfast, because they trust in you. Trust in the LORD forever, for the LORD, the LORD himself, is the Rock eternal.” Isaiah 26:3-4 (NIV) 

Several years ago, unceasing, all-consuming anxiety overcame me in ways that paralyzed my life. Even more frustratingly, I had no idea why my emotions felt so out of control.

I found myself continuously asking, Will I ever feel normal again? Why can’t I shake this intense unsettledness? Do You see me, God? Where are You, God? All I wanted was to experience His promised peace.

Even now, remembering those days is difficult. If you’re there right now, friend, hear me say: I’m sorry. I understand. I remember.

When those anxious thoughts intrude and we give them permission to remain, they make themselves at home in our hearts and plant deep roots. That’s why God’s Word tells us to “take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ” (2 Corinthians 10:5, NIV). God wants us to regulate our out-of-control emotions with His Truth. When we do this, we keep the steadfast mind God speaks of in our key verses, Isaiah 26:3-4:

“You will keep in perfect peace those whose minds are steadfast, because they trust in you. Trust in the LORD forever, for the LORD, the LORD himself, is the Rock eternal.”

I believe with all my heart that God brought you here to receive comfort, hope and practical tools to help you walk through this hard season. Here are three truths to plant yourself in today:

First, know that you’re not alone. Out-of-control emotions fueled by fear and anxiety lead us to feel alone and isolated. I’ve been there, too, and I’m praying for you now. God sees you and hears you, and His eyes are always upon you (Genesis 16:13; Psalm 139). God brought you here to meet Him in His Word and learn to pray that Word into your fear and anxiety.

Second, know that your out-of-control emotions don’t mean you’re weak or a failure. We live in a fallen world, so we will inevitably feel overwhelmed by our emotions at times. But what matters is what we do with those emotions and the thoughts they’re born from. As daughters of God, we have the power to take our thoughts captive.

Third, know that your emotions are manageable. You can manage them in many ways, relying on God’s Word and prayer and also seeking counseling and medication if needed. One counseling tool in particular helped me tremendously. My counselor told me that when my emotions rush in at full speed, I can let them wash over me like a wave rolls over me in the ocean. Don’t fight your emotions, she advised — fighting only makes it worse. Instead, I can ride the wave, trusting God through it.

You and I can trust God through all our emotions both practically and spiritually:

  • Practically: Breathe, taking eight big, deep breaths. Count to five as you breathe in, and count to eight as you breathe out. Breathing allows your body to recalibrate and rest.
  • Spiritually: Find a Bible verse to declare over your heart and mind as you ride that wave of emotion. I desperately needed to take my anxiety captive with peace. So I chose today’s key verses, Isaiah 26:3-4. I turned those verses into the prayer I prayed through my out-of-control emotions:

Thank You, God, that You will keep me in Your perfect peace because I’m trusting in You and keeping my eyes fixed on You. I will trust You forever, Lord. You are my Rock eternal. In You, I will not be shaken. Amen. 

Friend, I pray the Lord met you here today, calmed your heart, and brought a little bit more rest to your soul.

Heavenly Father, thank You for keeping me in Your perfect peace. I commit to calming my heart and resting my soul by fixing my heart and eyes on You — and You alone — as my peace and my Rock eternal. In Jesus’ Name, Amen. 


We can’t choose when anxious thoughts come our way, but we can choose how we fight back. Learn how to in our next Online Bible Study, Rest for Your Soul: Simple Practices When You’re Worn Out and Weary, with Wendy Blight, starting September 5. Get access to exclusive conversations with Wendy about walking with a friend who struggles with anxiety, maximizing your prayer life, and how memorizing Scripture can help you right now. Sign up now!


Download our brand-new e-book for free today: For the Girl Who Needs Hope: 50 Biblical Prayers for the Hard Moments. This resource will help you escape the feeling of never knowing what to say in prayer: These pre-written prayers will speak to the exact situations you are facing. Click here to download now!


Wendy Blight would love to meet you and hear your story, so please stop by her Instagram or Facebook to say hi!


Matthew 11:28, “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest” (NIV).

Take time today to sit quietly with the Lord. Search for a Bible verse to pray into what holds your thoughts captive (fear, worry, doubt, anger, unforgiveness, etc.). Turn that verse into a prayer, pray it over your heart and mind, and wait for God to work. He will be faithful.

Share your verse in the comments. Wendy will be popping in and would love to hear from you!

© 2023 by Wendy Blight. All rights reserved.

Proverbs 31 Ministries
P.O. Box 3189
Matthews, NC 28106

Originally published Monday, 07 August 2023.