Healing From Divorce That Stole the Life You Once Knew - Encouragement for Today - February 25, 2022

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Tracie MilesFebruary 25, 2022

Healing From Divorce That Stole the Life You Once Knew

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“… the LORD restored his fortunes. In fact, the LORD gave him twice as much as before!” Job 42:10 (NLT)

I was still trying to accept that my marriage was over when life got harder and scarier than I knew was possible.

In a short period of time, the financial situation for my three children and me went from secure and life-giving to insufficient, not sustaining even our basic needs. With no time to plan, I found myself a single mom and sole provider of our family. My house, car and everything we had was in jeopardy of being taken away. Fears of how to provide for my family became all-consuming, pulling me into a pit of fear, desperation, depression and despair.

Crying and pleading with God each day, I felt forgotten, unseen and unloved by the One who promises never to leave me. Until the night I had a dream that changed everything.

In the dream, I was curled up on my couch, hoping sleep might wash away my pain. Tears poured down my face with sobs of sorrow. I was completely broken, spent and at the end of my rope — my waking emotions played out in my sleeping subconscious.

Then, through the blurring tears in my eyes, I noticed a figure entering the room. I immediately knew in my spirit it was Jesus. Rather than fear, a strange sense of peace, calm and safety washed over me. He spoke softly and gently, with a deep, tender and loving voice, and said, “Tracie, why didn’t you come to Me earlier? I will restore all that has been lost and broken.”

Hearing His voice startled me into consciousness. I abruptly awoke, staring into the blackness of the night, fully believing I had just experienced a divine, supernatural encounter.

I will restore all that has been lost and broken echoed over and over in my mind — comforting words I had longed to hear, which planted a whisper of hope in my soul. Words that reaffirmed He did see me and I wasn’t forgotten or unloved. Words that reassured me He not only had the power to restore all that had been taken from my life, but He indeed had plans for it. As a tear dripped onto my pillow, the story of Job came to mind.

In the course of one day and due to no fault of his own, Job lost all 10 of his children, all his possessions, his wealth and his health. He didn’t understand why he was suffering, and throughout the book of Job, we see him expressing heartache and anger at all the pain God was allowing in his life. We also see evidence of his impatience regarding how long it was taking God to bring about restoration.

Yet through it all and despite his human emotions, Job never doubted that full surrender and trust were necessary. In Job 1:21b-c, he even says, “The LORD gave me what I had, and the LORD has taken it away. Praise the name of the LORD!” (NLT). Despite Job’s suffering, he trusted God’s plans and continued to praise Him. As a result, not only did Job’s faith soar but his life eventually did as well.

In Chapter 42 of the book of Job, we read how God blessed Job and his faithfulness in every way. Today’s key verse, Job 42:10, says, “… the LORD restored his fortunes. In fact, the LORD gave him twice as much as before!” God gave him a double portion of all he had lost, restored his marriage and family, and allowed him to live happily to a ripe, old age. It didn’t happen overnight, but it did happen.

Job’s restoration gave me hope, but as I thought back to my dream, I couldn’t help wondering about the first question I had heard: “Why didn’t you come to Me sooner?” I honestly believed I had gone to Jesus. A million times, in fact.

But what I had not gone to Him with was total surrender and trust. You see, instead of surrendering my problems to Him, I had been telling Him about them constantly, worrying incessantly, then trying to solve them on my own. Rather than trusting for miraculous provision, I doubted whether He would really come through. I doubted if restoration of all that had been lost — from my peace to my physical well-being — was even in the cards.

Yet, over time, I learned total surrender and unwavering faithfulness in God’s sovereignty will always open the door for His restoration to begin.

Divorce can steal a lot from us, but it doesn’t have to steal our peace and joy. Whether it’s hearts, finances, relationships or lives that need mending, God always has a plan to heal and restore. I fully believe the restoration of my heart, and my life, is on God’s holy to-do list … as is yours.

Dear Jesus, You know my deepest worries, hurts and the areas where I desperately long for healing and restoration. Today I fully surrender those to You and ask You to help me have joyous, expectant faith. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.


If separation or divorce have stolen the life you once knew, and you need a friend to help you get through the hardest of days, pre-order Tracie Miles’ upcoming March 1 release, Living Unbroken: A Divorce Recovery Workbook, which includes a seven-week video teaching series and small group Leaders Guide.


Subscribe to Tracie’s blog and receive a FREE downloadable “Living Unbroken Battle Plan” to help you move forward in your journey of healing from divorce, and consider joining her popular Facebook Group, Surviving Divorce.


Jeremiah 29:11, “‘For I know the plans I have for you,’ says the Lord. ‘They are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope.’” (NLT)

What’s something in your life that has been broken or lost? How can you place your trust in Jesus to restore and heal you and your circumstances? Share your thoughts with us in the comments!

© 2022 by Tracie Miles. All rights reserved.

Proverbs 31 Ministries
P.O. Box 3189
Matthews, NC 28106

Originally published Friday, 25 February 2022.