You Are Chosen - Encouragement for Today - July 5, 2023

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Meghan MellingerJuly 5, 2023

You Are Chosen

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“You didn’t choose me. I chose you.” John 15:16a-b (NLT)

Thirteen-year-old me wasn’t a fan of gym class for a few reasons: I was an artist, not an athlete, and I was always picked last for any team sport.

Fast-forward a few years, and I’d still rather draw a ball than kick one. But rejection and I have become close friends, and my disappointment is full of line items:

  • My crush asking another girl out on a date instead of me.
  • Seeing my friends post on social media about an event I didn’t get invited to.
  • Not winning sweepstakes for my own private island in the Caribbean.

It’s a lot easier to think of the times I haven’t been chosen than the times I have been.

We all desperately desire to be chosen because it means someone truly and fully sees us. The real, unfiltered versions of ourselves. On the good days when we’re well fed, rested and have adequate sunlight … and on the not-so-good days during rush-hour traffic when we use words and hand gestures our grandmas wouldn’t approve of.

No matter how old we are, sometimes we’re still that awkward kid with braces who shouldn’t have cut her own bangs, waiting and wishing in that gymnasium for those magical words: “I choose you.” We want to be the one selected, preferred and hand-picked for a reason.

I wonder how Jesus’ disciples felt when He said these powerful words to them in John 15:16a-b: “You didn’t choose me. I chose you.”

Our perfect Savior picked some of the most imperfect people to be a part of His team: a doubter (Thomas), a hothead (Peter), and a guy who had a full-time job profiting off of his own people (Matthew). Most came from lowly, insignificant lives. They weren’t the richest or most important. They were often overlooked. They were flawed, unrefined and unqualified.

I’m sure they didn’t feel like the best or most appropriate choice. Yet Jesus saw them fully and chose them anyway.

And together, with Him, they changed the world.

As a perfectionist, I feel like this seems too good to be true. But as a human being, I know it’s a sigh of relief.

God doesn't choose perfect people: He just wants us to come as we are.

Every imperfect inch and pound of us, every thought and action.

The real challenge is quieting the doubts and lies in our minds long enough to hear and receive those three affirming words: “I chose you” (John 15:16b). Jesus is calling you to be a part of a greater team than the eighth-grade elite dodgeball squad.

You have not been overlooked; you are fully seen by our all-knowing God. Your brokenness, imperfections and failures have not disqualified you from His purpose for you.

Disappointments and rejection will be a part of earthly life, but your unconditional worth in Jesus will never change.

Today, you may feel undeserving and inadequate. You may feel you’re trying too hard or not trying hard enough. But today, you are fully seen and known. And today, just like yesterday, our God is in the habit of using imperfect people for His perfect plan. So come close and listen to His words:

“I choose you.”

Jesus, thank You for seeing me fully and loving me unconditionally. It’s humbling to know You have chosen me to be in a relationship with You and to participate in Your Kingdom work. Help me to silence any lies and listen only to Your calling. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.


Between what was and what will be, there is still good to be found. If you need help believing this is true for your life, we want to invite you to our next free Online Bible Study …Your New Now: 30 Days To Make Sense of Where You Are and Where You’re Going. Click here to sign up today, and join our study of Nicki Koziarz’s book Your New Now starting July 17!



For more from Meghan Mellinger, connect with her on Instagram @megswritesthings.


Genesis 16:13, “Thereafter, Hagar used another name to refer to the LORD, who had spoken to her. She said, ‘You are the God who sees me.’ She also said, ‘Have I truly seen the One who sees me?’” (NLT).

Hagar called God El-Roi, “the God who sees me.” It’s comforting and overwhelming to know our God sees us … no matter how unworthy, broken or overlooked we feel. What truth about being seen and chosen by God did you need to hear today? Share it with us in the comments!

© 2023 by Meghan Mellinger. All rights reserved.

Proverbs 31 Ministries
P.O. Box 3189
Matthews, NC 28106

Originally published Wednesday, 05 July 2023.