God's Plan for Your Potential - Encouragement for Today - March 2, 2020

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March 2, 2020

God’s Plan for Your Potential 

 {Editor’s Note to our audio devotions listeners … although we highly value the audio translations of our devotions, we wanted you to know we will be pressing pause on them for an indeterminate amount of time, effective today, March 2. Please know this is not a permanent decision. It is our intent to revise this service as soon as possible. We will let our devotions audience know when audio will be available again.}

“The one who calls you is faithful, and he will do it.” 1 Thessalonians 5:24 (NIV)

I’m sure my list would be completely different from yours, or maybe you look at me and assume I don’t have a list. Oh, I have two: one from Child Me and one from Current Me.

Child Me wanted naturally blonde hair, because somehow it seemed like they had more fun and were more popular. Child Me wanted blue eyes to go with the blonde hair. I wanted my jeans to be a certain brand and my shirts to have a certain look. Oh, and to be smart, you know, on the A/B honor roll. These things seem silly now that I’m grown, but grown women have lists, too.

Current Me wants to be 20 pounds lighter and have wrinkles only on clothes (not my face). I’d love to know what she knows about the Bible (whoever she is). And it would be fantabulous if my house could stay clean like hers. This ideal she is further along in ministry than I am, and I started before she did! Current Me still has so much work to do.

That’s what we do, isn’t it? We habitually compare our insides, how we feel about ourselves, to another’s outside, how they look, to determine our value and sum up our potential — appearance, accomplishments and assets.

Out in the world, we have to prove our abilities, demonstrate our intellect, and establish our authority in order to show we are useful and worthwhile. But what about in a safe, supposedly judgment-free zone, like church? Do we think we have to prove ourselves there, too? Do we make assumptions about someone’s worth based on what they do or how they look? Without pause, yes, yes, we do. We look at her outside — appearance, accomplishments and other assets — and assume her faith is just as strong.

May I ask you to answer a few questions honestly? Not necessarily out loud, or even on paper where someone might see your answers, but answer them just for yourself:

  • Do I allow the echo of fears and faults to silence God’s voice?
  • Do I dwell on failures and let them determine my direction?
  • Do I worry my frailties disqualify me from doing any good work for God?

If you answered yes to just one of these questions, then your faith, my friend, is wounded. Fractured. Splintered. Ruptured. No longer in its original design or even what it once was before life happened to you.

God designed our faith to be Christ-centered, Spirit-led and Word-fed. Somehow, so many of us have gotten off track.

We spend our energy trying to conquer our fears, correct our faults, get over our failures and accept our frailties, only to discover we still have fears, faults, failures and frailties. The self-help books haven’t helped. The Bible studies change our perspective for a while. However, when the next crisis arises, we fall right back into wrong patterns.

I want to say something that may sound a little harsh, momentarily make you mad, and quite possibly give you an overwhelming desire to stop reading this devotion. So, I ask you to trust me enough to read the next entire statement below, pause to think through the words, and perhaps even pray: What if God’s plan isn’t to “fix” the things that have fractured your faith but instead to show His power through them, making your faith stronger than ever?

God has such good words for us, friends! The one who calls you is faithful, and he will do it” (1 Thessalonians 5:24). He will move in us to accomplish the work He has planned for us. God sees our potential even when we can’t and considers us worthwhile just the way we are.

Lord, I don’t see myself as one with potential. I’ve done too many things unworthy of Your confidence in me. But I want to see differently. I want to believe the impossible. Help me see what You see. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

Matthew 19:26, “Jesus looked at them intently and said, ‘Humanly speaking, it is impossible. But with God everything is possible.’” (NLT)

Fears. Faults. Failures. Frailties. Every woman at some point wonders, Do I have to get past all my weaknesses before God can use me? In Hidden Potential, Wendy Pope reveals what God can do through you. You don’t have to overcome, correct, rise above, or get strong before you’re qualified to be part of God’s plan. He can use you right now. You are a worthwhile possibility. Pick up your copy today!

For more encouragement, connect with Wendy on her website, and enter to win a copy of Hidden Potential: Revealing What God Can Do Through You. 

On a piece of paper, copy today’s prayer and add your personal thoughts about your potential. Close your writing with these words: I am a worthwhile possibility with potential that God can use to advance His Kingdom. 

Join the conversation! Let us hear your thoughts about today’s devotion.

© 2020 by Wendy Pope. All rights reserved.

Proverbs 31 Ministries
P.O. Box 3189
Matthews, NC 28106

Originally published Monday, 02 March 2020.