When God Answers the Unanswerable Prayer - Encouragement for Today - March 3, 2020

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Tracie MilesMarch 3, 2020

When God Answers the Unanswerable Prayer

“You are the God who performs miracles; you display your power among the peoples.” Psalm 77:14 (NIV)

When a marriage fails and a divorce occurs, problems erupt from every angle. Hearts are broken. Emotions are all over the map. Self-worth and confidence plummet. Fears take root about what the future will look like, how the children will cope, being alone, etc.

But one of the most common problems women struggle with when facing separation and divorce is the fear of financial instability. Constant, daily worrying about how they will survive all alone as an independent single woman — and possibly as a single mom as well.

When my husband left over four years ago, despite all the ways my heart was breaking, one of the biggest obstacles to my faith and my happiness was worrying about money.

Finances were a struggle.

Day after day, month after month, I would lose sleep over how to pay the bills. I would fret about how long we would have a roof over our heads. I would spend countless hours on the computer desperately searching for work to support my family. I would pray fervently every day for God to miraculously provide for me and my children. Although my heart wanted to trust He would, the scary reality of our financial hardships would all too often snuff out that trust and fill me with fear and anxiety.

Every seemingly unanswered prayer request — laced with tears and repetitive requests of my needs, big and small — personified my fears that God wasn’t hearing my prayers and pleas. I certainly didn’t have the power to change anything, no matter how hard I tried. The longer time passed and prayers went unanswered, I began to feel those problems were just impossible for even God to fix. I secretly resolved to believe some of my prayer requests were simply unanswerable.

Until they were answered.

Each and every act of provision began serving as a beacon, blasting light and hope into what seemed like so many dark, hopeless situations. Month after month, I began to witness God working miracles in my life. Some were small miracles meeting tangible and intangible needs while others were bigger miracles — shocking answers to prayers I had been praying for years — which could not be explained with human rationale.

Today’s key verse reminds us how God is a God of miracles who delights in answering the prayers of His people as He sees fit and in His timing: “You are the God who performs miracles; you display your power among the peoples” (Psalm 77:14).

In this verse, the psalmist refers to all the miraculous works God had performed for the people of Israel time and time again. In countless situations, God had proven His faithfulness to His people by rescuing them from trouble and answering their prayers in miraculous ways. This verse compels us to not only remember God is a God of miracles but also to let that truth crush our doubts of God’s miraculous abilities and faithfulness in our lives.

Only a mighty, miracle-working God could have orchestrated some of the things that answered many of my prayers over the past few years. Not all my prayers were answered, of course, but enough to help me remember He is still the God of miracles today. He helped me fully realize He is my provider. Not a man, not a job, not my own talents or efforts — Him alone.

God is always worthy of our praise — for the answered prayers we thought were unanswerable and the unanswered prayers we still lift up to Him each day. He is always faithful and always trustworthy. He hears our prayers and knows all of our needs.

If you have prayers you’ve been praying for quite some time, keep the faith. God is at work behind the scenes. Nothing is impossible for God.

Lord, in the midst of my seemingly unanswered prayers, please help me remember You are faithful and still the God of miracles. Today I fully place my trust in You and choose to believe You hear my prayers and have a plan to meet my needs, big and small. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

Psalm 72:18, “Praise the LORD God, the God of Israel, who alone does such wonderful things.” (NLT)

She Speaks Conference is turning 20, and we are so excited! Here are a few reasons to join us this year: You’ll get to hear from incredible speakers like Lysa TerKeurst. 700+ women from all over the world are gathering together! You'll receive an option to add on live webinars to help you with your experience at She Speaks and/or to get prepped for your publisher appointment. Plus, our She Speaks swag bag is full of all sorts of goodies. Want even more reasons to come? Click here to join us in Charlotte, North Carolina, July 31-August 1.


Looking for encouragement to stay strong and faithful in the most trying of situations? Check out Tracie Miles’ most recent books, Love Life Again: Finding Joy When Life is Hard and Unsinkable Faith: God-Filled Strategies to Transform the Way You Think, Feel and Live.

Connect with Tracie on her blog for more encouragement in trusting God during the hard times of life. You can also become a member of her private Facebook Love Life Again community.

What prayers have you deemed unanswerable or too big for God?

How might your daily outlook improve if you began to fully trust that God has a plan for answering your prayers in ways you can’t imagine? Share with us in the comments section!

© 2020 by Tracie Miles. All rights reserved.

Proverbs 31 Ministries
P.O. Box 3189
Matthews, NC 28106

Originally published Tuesday, 03 March 2020.