Seeing God’s Daily Provision in Nature - Encouragement for Today - November 4, 2022

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Sarah GeringerNovember 4, 2022

Seeing God’s Daily Provision in Nature

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“Like an eagle that rouses her chicks and hovers over her young, so he spread his wings to take them up and carried them safely on his pinions.” Deuteronomy 32:11 (NLT)

On my property in the Missouri countryside, I have seen bald eagles exactly three times. Each incident has been majestic and inspiring … but the third sighting was a holy moment!

I had just gotten off an epic, challenging phone call, in which a family member and I had unearthed a piece of the generational puzzle that helped decades of trauma make sense. But the revelation shook me with righteous indignation.

Adrenaline and cortisol rushed through my body, causing me to tremble with anger. I didn’t know if I’d be able to hold myself together on the afternoon drive for my kids' school pickup. But I breathed a ragged prayer while I got behind the wheel.

I had barely turned out of the driveway when an eagle rose straight up from the ditch on my passenger side. For a few slow-motion seconds, I watched in awe as its powerful wings almost brushed my car while they flapped upward.

In that amazing nature sighting, I sensed God shouting to me: “I’ve got you, girl!”

He knew I had been shaken to the core, and I believe He sent an eagle to encourage me and remind me that He is in control. He gave me hidden manna, bread from heaven, on a country road that day just as He provided for His people in the wilderness. (Exodus 16:35)

“Like an eagle that rouses her chicks and hovers over her young, so he spread his wings to take them up and carried them safely on his pinions.” (Deuteronomy 32:11)

In the awful muck of my problems, I would have liked nothing more than for God to take me up and literally carry me safely to a faraway place. Yet the encouragement from seeing God’s power, might and strength displayed in that eagle spiritually uplifted me for days.

Though God didn’t literally lift the Israelites out of their problems in the wilderness, He lovingly cared for them and protected them with His mighty strength. He gave them the picture of a mother eagle tenderly caring for her chicks, hovering over them and carrying them to safety.

The Bible is full of nature metaphors like this one that help us understand different aspects of God’s character. When we look at nature to find clues about God, He often rewards our searches with inspiring images.

When you have relationship struggles, parenting problems, work stress or hurt feelings, try looking out your window or stepping out your door. Ask God to show you something in nature to encourage you, and study whatever you find for signs of His character. I am certain God will inspire you, give you comfort and point you back to Him.

Today, the Lord may send you a bald eagle of encouragement. Or He may whisper His care for you through the beauty of a leaf, flower, rock or sunset.

Though He may not lift us out of our problems, God is always hovering over us with love and protection. When we seek out His character in nature, we’ll feel uplifted.

Heavenly Father, I praise You for the immense beauty of Your creation. What a delight it is to see Your glory on display through plants and animals. May I learn more about Your character by studying the wonders and even the metaphors You leave for me in nature, and may I gain encouragement from what I discover. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.


Coming soon … our next Online Bible Study, with Max Lucado! Stop carrying the weight of doing it all on your own and learn the surprising benefits of asking for help when you join our four-week study of Help Is Here: Finding Fresh Strength and Purpose in the Power of the Holy Spirit, starting November 14. This study will help you trade confusing or intimidating feelings about who the Holy Spirit is for a deeply refreshing and approachable understanding of His power. Click here to sign up today!


Sarah Geringer’s new book, Hidden Manna on a Country Road: Seeing God’s Daily Provision All around Us, is now available! With this book, you’ll learn how to discover clues about God in nature and be inspired in your prayer life. Click here to get your copy!


Visit Sarah Geringer’s website for a free printable and giveaway that’s ideal for nature lovers!

If you’re looking for uplifting, prayerful community, Sarah would also love to meet you in our devotions community group on Facebook!


Isaiah 40:31, “but those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint.” (NIV)

What have you learned about God’s character in a nature sighting? Share your thoughts and prayer requests in the comments.

© 2022 by Sarah Geringer. All rights reserved.

Proverbs 31 Ministries
P.O. Box 3189
Matthews, NC 28106

Originally published Friday, 04 November 2022.