A Prayer for a Different Kind of Resolution Setting
By Jessica Van Roekel
Bible Reading:
“Search me, O God, and know my heart! Try me and know my thoughts! And see if there be any grievous way in me and lead me in the way everlasting!” - Psalm 139:23-24
Listen or Read Below:
I’m a serial resolution breaker. It’s true. I make resolutions, and then three days later, my resolve breaks. My feelings about it range from frustration to shame because I couldn’t keep my word to myself. To resolve, according to dictionary.com, means to come to an earnest decision to take a determined course of action. Setting resolutions helps us grow, so why not go to the one who knows us best? When we go to God for guidance, we are less likely to grow discouraged when we struggle to keep our resolutions because we know God enables and empowers us to walk in his will for us.
David, known as the man after God’s own heart, shows us how to find the resolve to make life changes in Psalm 139. This psalm reveals how the all-knowing God touches our life and knows us intimately in verses one through six. Then, in verses seven through twelve, we discover how the all-present God is always with us. Verses thirteen through sixteen reveal how the eternal God formed us.
Then, the end of the Psalm leads us into a response to the greatness of God in verses seventeen through twenty-two, which takes us into today’s humble prayer in verses twenty-three and twenty-four. God has perfect knowledge, provides constant presence, and can be trusted to search and know us at the deepest levels. David wanted God to search his heart for worries or unperceived sins so he could walk in God’s ways, not what he thought was best for himself.
When we approach resolution setting this new year, we can begin by admitting God knows us better than we know ourselves. We may have an idea of the changes we want to make to our lives, but God knows what’s best for us within his greater purpose. He may desire us to take a theological understanding about himself and apply it to our growth in discipleship.
For example, we may desire to change our eating habits, but God may want us to change our ungrateful habits. Or we may want to choose a word of the year like increase, but God may want us to decrease. God cares so much more about the state of our hearts and the renewal of our minds because He knows we experience lasting outward change when it takes place first on the inside.
It can be a risk to ask God to search us. The Hebrew term for search is to “examine thoroughly.” There are times I want to hide parts of myself from the Lord because I don’t like what I find. But God doesn’t respond with dislike. He cares about us too much to let unhelpful habits and tendencies persist. He leads us in His way when we are willing to give it up, turn from it, and surrender to His resolutions for us.
When you sit down to make your resolutions for this year, why not try starting with this prayer from Psalm 139? God loves you so much and knows you better than you know yourself. Let Him guide you into a resolution setting. Maybe He wants to continue what He’s started in you, or maybe He wants to turn your direction to something new. When I’ve let the Lord lead my resolutions, I’m far more successful in keeping them. We can trust Him to guide us in His ways for the new year.
Let's Pray:
Heavenly Father,
Thank you for loving me and knowing me enough to guide me in the best ways. I trust You to show me my heart, to discover what You want to change so I reflect You to a lost and weary world. I want to run ahead of You and determine what I think is best for my life. I admit I don’t know what You desire without taking time to ask You to search my heart. Look deep inside me, Lord. I trust You to treat me with gentle love.
I resolve to growing in faith and spiritual maturity, and I’m going to let You lead me because you know me better than I know myself. Let this year be a year of my life bringing You honor and glory. Try me, know my thoughts, and then lead me in the way everlasting.
In Jesus’ name, Amen
Photo Credit: ©GettyImages/krblokhin
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Originally published Thursday, 02 January 2025.