A Prayer to Keep Praying Even When You’re Disappointed - Your Daily Prayer - February 19

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A Prayer to Keep Praying Even When You’re Disappointed
By Keri Eichberger

Bible Reading: Very early in the morning, while it was still dark, Jesus got up, left the house and went off to a solitary place, where he prayed. (Mark 1:35)

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I have a little secret to share. I was once pretty cynical about prayer. It never actually kept me from taking my praises and requests to my heavenly Father. But I kind of had this inner idea that it didn’t really matter all that much what I said, suggested, or asked for. Because God was going to do what God was going to do regardless of what I had to say about it. I began to adopt this mindset in my early college years when I felt all prayed out over certain situations due to a continual seeming lack of response. Around this time, my prayers started to sound a little like this. Ok God, you know I love you. You know what I want. But I bring this to you again, because I’m pretty sure I’m supposed to. Thanks for listening, Amen. See I told you, cynicism was slipping into my prayer time. Well, truthfully it sounded better than that, I maintained a reverence for the holy of holies, but I definitely wondered what weight my words carried. How much did it really matter that I pour out to and present to the Lord an open heart that he already knew in, out, and all the way through? I wasn’t sure. So when the disappointments of life kept coming, and answers kept failing to show up, I struggled to see what good my prayers were doing.

Have you ever wondered if your prayers make a difference? You’re probably in the midst of some disappointments and decisions too, and in need of solace and a sounding board. But maybe you have been asking for resolution on something for far too long, are feeling worn down from waiting, and have started to wonder what the use is also? 

I once asked the same questions. Until I began to study the life of Jesus. In fact, one of my favorite things about Jesus’s time here on earth is that he gave us the perfect example of how to live. Of how to glorify the Father. And how to find the fullness of life we long for. And probably my most cherished example he modeled was how to pray. I love that he retreated away from crowds. I love that he isolated in stillness and quiet. And that Jesus himself—fully God, yet fully human—took time to spill his heart and soul out to his Father. He offered him thanks and praise. He shared his pain. And he asked for help and wisdom. But above all, for his will to be done. He knew the Father’s plan, he knew the hard role he had to play, but he still prayed. And he did it often, intentionally, and reverently. 

If the son of God’s example and instruction isn’t enough to encourage us to keep prioritizing open and constant communication, I hope the benefits of it will. The truth I had to learn was, praying is not just intended for me to get answers like a Magic 8 ball. Nor is it only about having a good excuse to retreat away from people so that they don't bother me for a bit. Spending time in conversation with the Lord offers so much more than I once understood—regardless of the responses God seems to give. 

My morning time with Jesus has become the most precious time of my day. Even though the omniscient God knows my heart and soul better than I ever will, when I bear my innermost thoughts—the beautiful and the broken—he hears me. Yes, I feel heard, I feel loved, and I feel peace as I hand over and lay down my load little by little. I find security and assurance in his faithfulness, sovereignty, mercy, and grace, as I recite the truths of his mighty name. I find a sweet embrace of compassion and empathy as I bring the requests of others to him. That bring blessings of purpose and perspective of how well he has loved me.

If you are feeling disappointed, discouraged, and like your prayers are vapor in the wind, keep praying. Keep taking your heart to God again and again. The loving Lord has so much waiting to offer us too. Sufficient strength for our day. Permeating peace over our struggles. An abundant showering of gifts for each of his sons and daughters when we greet him. There is always resolve and refreshment to be found in his presence. And his presence is always with us, so we can remain in communication constantly as we move forward, finding encouragement and refreshment through every moment all along the way.

Let’s Pray:

Father God, You are always with me. Waiting for me to come to you with an open heart and surrendered soul. Ready to hear me, speak to me and shower me with assurance of your loving presence and protection. And though I don’t always live like our time matters most, I do truly cherish our divine connection and communication above all. Help me continue returning to you when life’s disappointments keep coming. Knowing that in you I will find the refreshment my soul thirsts for. Lord, I thank you for modeling prayer and its importance. And I thank you for your constant compassion and presence. In your holy name, Amen.

Photo Credit: ©iStock/Getty Images Plus/Deagreez

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Originally published Wednesday, 19 February 2025.