May 21, 2015
Are You Living Below the Bar?
Sharon Jaynes
Today’s Truth
“So Mephibosheth ate at David’s table like one of the king’s sons” (2 Samuel 9:11 NIV).
Friend to Friend
Who in the world is Mephibosheth and what possessed his momma to give him such a name? Well, I can’t answer the second question, but I can shed some light on the first. Mephibosheth was a man who was living way below his potential. He was the grandson of King Saul and the son of Prince Jonathan, but he lived like a pauper. When he was a boy, his nurse dropped him while fleeing from their enemies. As a result, he was crippled in both feet (2 Samuel 9).
When David took over as King of Israel, he wanted to know if there was anyone in Jonathan’s household to whom he could show kindness. Jonathan had been David’s best friend and he loved him as a brother. A servant told David about the crippled Mephiboseth, and he was summoned immediately. Mephiboseth lived in a place called Lo-Debar (meaning a pasture-less land).
My own (very unofficial) translation of Lo-Debar is “below the bar.” Mephiboseth was living below the bar. He was the grandchild of a king, but he was living in a pasture-less land like a pauper. When he came before King David he said, “What is your servant, that you should notice a dead dog like me?”
David didn’t even answer him. He simply turned to his servant and commanded that all the land that had been Saul’s be given back to his grandson and that Mephibosheth should eat at the king’s table everyday.
Perhaps you are walking around like a crippled because of something that has happened to you as a child. Perhaps you feel like a “dead dog.” And yet, God is looking for ways to bless you, to restore what has been taken away, and invite you to feast at His table everyday.
Mephiboseth was a grandchild of King Saul and potential heir to the throne. However, he saw himself as nothing more than a “dead dog,” unworthy to receive even the smallest crumb of kindness from David. Mephibosheth didn’t see himself as he really was. “A dead dog?” I think not! He was royalty.
Do you see yourself as you really are? You are a chosen, dearly loved child of God. You have been blessed with every spiritual blessing, delivered from the domain of darkness and transferred to the kingdom of light! You, girlfriend in God, are a child of the King!
Let’s Pray
Dear Lord, so many times I walk around with an emotional limp like a wounded animal. But the truth is, I am a child of the King and I should act like one! Thank You for inviting me to feast at Your banquet table every morning by feeding my soul from Your Word and drinking in the Holy Spirit’s power. Today, I will not limp about, but run, jump, and even dance with the joy!
In Jesus’ Name
Now It’s Your
Be honest. Do you act more like the pitiful Mephiboseth or a powerful princess?
What mind adjustment do you need to make to start acting like a child of the King?
More from the Girlfriends
Unfortunately, many of us limp around like poor old Mephib. We live below the bar of what God intended. If you would like to learn more about who you are as a child of God and start living the life God intended all along, check out my book Becoming Spiritually Beautiful: Seeing Yourself as God Sees You.
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Girlfriends in God
P.O. Box 1311
Huntersville, NC 28070
Originally published Thursday, 21 May 2015.