November 13, 2015
Arlene Pellicane
Today’s Truth
Search me, God, and know my heart; test me and know my anxious thoughts. (Psalm 139:23, NIV).
Friend to Friend
When was the last time you got busted?
Well, although I could share a story or two about myself, this tale from the highway about my husband is better.
In my state, it’s against the law to drive and talk on your cell phone without a hands free device. But as we were driving down the freeway in our minivan, my husband James’ phone rang. He picked it up and starting talking.
Just a few moments into his phone conversation, a motorcycle cop pulled up right next to us. He stared at my husband and his phone. They were literally eyeball to eyeball at 70 miles per hour. James couldn’t be more busted.
It was funny and depressing all at once. We knew this very-close-encounter with the law was going to cost some money. James pulled over and our kids stared with wonder at the tall officer coming our way.
“You know you were using a cell phone,” the officer said matter of factly. “Yes, officer. I was using my cell phone and I didn’t have my headset. I am very sorry,” James confessed.
What happened next was quite unexpected. The officer said, “Thank you for being honest. Not many people are honest these days. Your honesty is going to get you off.” Can you believe it? He let James go!
James and I always joke about the time years ago he was pulled over on a quiet country Virginia road for speeding and the officer’s name was, no joke, Officer Justice. And he did mete out justice that day. But on this day, we met Officer Mercy!
Since that encounter with Officer Mercy, James has used his headset. Sometimes we need the arm of the law or something else equally jarring to get us back on the right track.
We can get so busy with family, career, ministry, or friends that we wonder off the right track without even knowing it. There’s no “family police” to write us up when we yell at our loved one. No “work police” to give you a citation when you show up late.
But wait. We have the Holy Spirit who can search us, speak to us, and know us.
Invite the Holy Spirit to reveal truth to you. Be open to correction and guidance from God. His “traffic tickets” are ultimately for our good. It says in Hebrews 12:5-6 (NIV), “My son (and daughter), do not make light of the Lord’s discipline, and do not lose heart when he rebukes you, because the Lord disciplines the one he loves, and he chastens everyone he accepts as his son.”
Ask God to come like “Officer Mercy” and forgive you when you get busted. Your honesty and repentance will get you off the hook…because Jesus has already paid for all your tickets.
Let’s Pray
Lord, at times I have wondered off track. I want to be careful to follow Your commandments. Be merciful to me and help me start fresh today. Holy Spirit, you are welcome to guide my life.
In Jesus’ Name,
Now It’s Your Turn
How can you make positive changes in your life, so you don’t have to wait until something like a traffic ticket to get you back on course? You might meet with a friend every week to pray for each other. Or maybe your bedtime ritual will be to ask the Lord:What went right today? What went wrong? Is there anything I could have done differently?
More from the Girlfriends
Do you find yourself getting busted at home? Maybe you’re snapping at your spouse or showing your stressed-out-side to your kids a little too much lately.
Today’s devotion is from Arlene Pellicane, author of 31 Days to Becoming a Happy Mom. In Arlene’s book, you’ll be liberated to enjoy being a mom. Whether you have toddlers or teenagers, 31 Days to Becoming a Happy Mom has something for you – including insights from Gwen Smith. Watch Arlene’s video here or take the quiz: Are You a Happy Mom?
Seeking God?
Click here to find out more about
how to have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.
Girlfriends in God
P.O. Box 1311
Huntersville, NC 28070
Originally published Friday, 13 November 2015.