Girlfriends in God - Aug. 20, 2007


August 20, 2007

The Hidden Treasure

Sharon Jaynes



Today’s Truth

God “comforts us in all our troubles so that we can comfort those in any trouble with the comfort we ourselves have received from God” (I Corinthians 1:4 NIV)


Friend to Friend

Several years ago, I chaperoned a group of fourth graders on a field trip to Reid Gold Mine. The tour guide took us through dark musty tunnels, explaining how the miners one hundred years ago, searched for veins of gold imbedded in the rocks and hidden beneath the mud. Many panned for years in hopes of finding a few valuable nuggets. After the tour, we each grabbed a sieve and panned for gold in the mountain stream. The tour guide suggested we get comfortable, “cause this might take a while.”


First, we lowered our pans into the mud and filled our sieves. Then we shook the pan back and forth, allowing the clear stream water to flow over its contents. The silt and dirt filtered through the screen and fell back into the stream as hopeful children (and a few adults) searched for gold. Unfortunately, none of us struck it rich that day, but I did walk away with a treasure.


As I knelt by the stream on my knees, I saw my life in the muddy stream. Just like panning for gold, I sifted through dirt and asked God to wash over my memories so I could discover the hidden treasure beneath the surface. And you know what? He did.


One of the most valuable treasures forged from difficult life circumstances is the gift of being able to use your experience to help others. Paul said, God “comforts us in all our troubles so that we can comfort those in any trouble with the comfort we ourselves have received from God” (I Corinthians 1:4) In other words, God does not comfort us to make us comfortable, He comforts us to make us comfort – able, able to comfort others.


Our past trials and victories give us the supernatural ability to empathize with someone going through a similar struggle. No one can help a woman who suffers from the guilt of a past abortion like the woman who has received healing and forgiveness from that same past mistake. No one can bind the open wounds left by an abusive husband or boyfriend like a woman who bears the same residual scars. No one can wipe the tears of a mother who is watching a wayward teenager make poor choices like the mother who has welcomed a prodigal home. No one can minister to a woman who thinks she is damaged goods because of childhood sexual abuse like the abused woman who now sees herself as a holy, pure, child of the King. That’s the hidden treasure. Invest it well.

Let’s Pray

Dear Lord, I know that You are in control of all things and that You can use everything that happens in my life for Your glory. I pray that You will help me sift through the difficult circumstances of life and discover the true treasure that lies just beneath the surface. Help me focus on the gold and not the dirt from which it was excavated.

In Jesus’ Name,



Now It’s Your Turn

Do a little gold mining in your own life. Think of the nuggets of gold that you have discovered through unpleasant circumstances. Write them down and turn your list into a prayer of praise.


Have you considered the idea that God wants you to help someone who is experiencing a similar situation that you have gone through?


Are you willing to risk embarrassment to help another person find hope?


More from the Girlfriends

Looking for the hidden treasure in the difficult circumstances of life is truly like mining for gold. But when you begin to share your story and investing in others, it is like a miner hitting a vein and striking it rich – the blessings overflow. If you would like to learn more about looking for that hidden treasure, see Sharon’s book, Your Scars are Beautiful to God.


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Girlfriends in God

P.O. Box 725

Matthews, NC 28106


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Originally published Monday, 20 August 2007.