August 24, 2020
When God?
Kelly Balarie
Today’s Truth
Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love (Ephesians 4:2, NIV).
Friend to Friend
We honked. Actually, we didn’t honk, but I really wanted us to. The woman ahead of us was — the slowest - drive through orderer - ever!!!
Add this to the fact that we had hungry kids in the back of the car, and a close call with a police officer who was still behind us, and people in gloves and masks all around…and all this made me nervous. C’mon lady. Move it.
Is she ever going to go? What is wrong with this person?!
My eyes toggled between the rearview mirror and the car ahead, as I tried to identify the issue. I leaned forward looking for an escape. Tension rose in my chest.
When we finally reached the Chick-Fil-A attendant, she immediately informed me, “I am going to switch to the passenger side of your car for your order. The woman ahead of you was deaf so I needed to get closer to her so I could hear her.”
She was — what? Deaf.
I couldn’t believe it. In my impatience, I complained about a woman in need of — patience. I felt horrible. Here, this deaf woman did a great job of “getting out” and I critiqued her for it?
You know, we never know what someone is going through. We never know what’s happening behind the scenes of what we see: the details of their day, their history of hurt or their million reasons why.
But, God knows. He knows their quirks as much as He knows ours.
In retrospect, I wish I extended patience, instead of getting — pushy.
Why? Because patience is never wrong. Even if it takes time. Even if it slows us down. Even if we listen longer. Even if we have to talk more. Even if we have to get out of our own mind and into someone else’s. Even if we delay our own progress.
“Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love” (Ephesians. 4:2, NIV).
Patience is love. It quiets discontent. It softens its response. It lets go of personal agendas. It loves by the Spirit. It discerns how to go. It makes space for others’ needs. It keeps a smile on its face. It pauses with the goal of lifting the other person up. It dismisses gripes.
It is kind to itself and to others. It extends grace. It remembers God’s patience and kindness. It, then, can really love others.
Let’s Pray
Father, when I keep my eyes on you, my heart stays in perfect peace. Will you help me with this? I need you in this hour.
In Jesus’ Name,
Now It’s Your Turn
Social media can be a difficult place for me to be patient. Where do you find it is hard to be patient? How can you respond differently?
More from the Girlfriends
Kelly Balarie, blogger at Purposeful Faith and author of the new book “Battle Ready: Train Your Mind to Conquer Challenges, Defeat Doubt and Live Victoriously” is passionate about joining hands with women who often find themselves stuck in the pits of life. Step-by-step, word-by-word, her dream is that together they can emerge better - fear, fret and panic-free. Get all of Kelly’s Purposeful Faith blog posts by email for a dose of inspiration and encouragement.
Originally published Monday, 24 August 2020.