December 12, 2011
Hang On!
Sharon Jaynes
Today’s Truth
My soul clings to you; your right hand upholds me (Psalm 63:8, NIV).
Friend to Friend
Have you ever felt that this thing called life is just too hard? I know I have. Sometimes life just does not turn out like I thought it would. That’s when I have to hang onto God and simply trust Him.
I remember when my son was four-years-old and I was trying to teach him how to snow ski. The first day was just horrible…at least it was for me. I felt like a down-covered workhorse as I lugged two sets of skis in one arm while dragging along Steven with the other. Clunky ski boots, overstuffed mittens, and a hooded snowsuit made it difficult for Steven to maneuver. Add all that to the slippery snow, and we had the perfect formula for a day of whining in winter wonderland.
I tried to teach Steven how to snow plow to keep from going too fast. That’s when you point the tips of the skis toward the center and the backs of the skis point out. Well, he just wasn’t catching on. He fell and he fell and he fell.
Finally, I came up with another idea. I made an A-frame tent with my legs, Steven stood in front of me, and wrapped his arms around my thighs. Off we went. We moved as one. If I turned left, he went with me. If I turned right, he went with me. His only responsibility was to hang on and relinquish control. And even though he thought he was skiing, in reality, I was the one skiing and he was simply along for the ride.
That is a great picture of what trusting God is all about. That’s a picture of what “abiding in Jesus” is all about. We cling to him, hang on to Him, abide in Him. If He goes left, I go left. If He goes right, I go right. David wrote in Psalm 63:8, “My soul clings to You.” In other words, David was saying, “I’m hanging on for dear life” Just like Steven did.
Today, as you move through life, cling to Jesus. Hang on to Him. Acknowledge His presence with you and His Spirit in you. Trust Him!
Let’s Pray
Jesus, I’m trusting You today. I’m clinging to You. I’m hanging on Your every word.
In Your Name, men.
Now It’s Your Turn
What do you think David meant when he wrote, “My soul clings to you.” Notice he said “soul.” That encompasses the mind, will and emotions.
What are some ways your “soul” can cling to Jesus as you move through your day? I’d love to hear your answers. It might be just want someone needs to hear! Log onto tell me what you think!
More from the Girlfriends
It’s finally here!Sharon, Gwen and Mary’s new 12-week devotion book, Trusting God,is now available. This is the perfect book for individual study or for gathering a group of friends in what we call GiG Groups. With impactful devotions, study questions, journal pages, free on-line video intros, and an index of trust-building Scriptures…this book is a resource you’ll refer to time-and-time again.
Seeking God?
Click here to find out more about
how to have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.
Girlfriends in God
Matthews, NC 28106
Originally published Monday, 12 December 2011.