February 22, 2022
When You Feel You’ve Got to Do Something About It
Mary Southerland
Today’s Truth
Then God made you alive with Christ for he forgave all our sins (Colossians 2:13 NLT).
Friend to Friend
I love the story of a man who came home from work, picked up the paper and settled into his favorite chair for a few precious moments of solitude. He had just begun to relax when his son burst into the room. Spotting his dad, the little boy flung himself against his father’s knees and said, “Daddy, I love you!” The father patted the boy on the head and said rather absentmindedly, “Yes, Son, I love you, too.”
Picking up his paper, the father continued reading, but the boy was not satisfied. He leaned a little further into the newspaper barricade and said, “But Daddy, I really, really love you!” The man took a deep breath, put the paper down and said, “Yes, Son. I love you just as much.”
Again, the dad picked up the paper and resumed reading. Finally, the little boy couldn’t stand it any longer! He jumped up on his father’s lap, crushing the newspaper and any thoughts of relaxation the dad might have had. “Son, what do you want?” the father tiredly asked. In response, the boy threw his arms around his dad and gave him a big squeeze, explaining, “I love you so much, Daddy, and I’ve just got to do something about it!”
That is exactly what God said to Jesus. “Son, I love them so much that I have to do something!” Then He sent His one and only perfect Son to earth where He would live and die for you and for me. God’s love is unconditional – a love with no strings attached – a love worth celebrating.
In the Bible we find the story of a sinful woman, a prostitute who had spent her entire life seeking a love with no strings attached. When Jesus came to town and into her life, everything changed. Simon, one of the local Pharisees, invited Jesus to his home for dinner. The sinful woman walked through her shame and fear and went to meet Jesus.
Everyone at the party knew who she was. Simon would never have allowed this kind of woman to enter his home. he But the woman came anyway, knowing that everyone at the party would recognize and judge her. But her desire to meet Jesus was greater than her pride.
Emptiness and sin eating away at her soul, this woman came to Jesus - and Jesus met her there. As the love of Jesus enveloped her very soul, she fell at His feet, weeping tears of worship and praise. Her natural response was to love Him so much that she had to do something about it!
In the woman’s hands was her most precious possession, a bottle of very expensive perfume she used in her “business.” This woman was not wealthy by any means and worked the streets, selling her body in order to live. She could have put a small amount on the feet of Jesus, and it would have been a great financial sacrifice. But she brought it all, and she gave it all. She came, totally abandoning herself and all she had to Jesus. His response was to love her unconditionally and completely. Jesus gave her a new life rooted in love and forgiveness.
The Bible says, “Then God made you alive with Christ, he forgave all our sins (Colossians 2:13 NLT).
Like this sinful woman, we are spiritually bankrupt. Jesus came, spelling Himself out in a language we can understand – a message of love.
Today, no matter where you are or where you have been, He stands waiting for you. Come to Him. He loves you, no matter how ugly the sin or how great the failure may be. Come to His love. Come home!
Let’s Pray
Father, I recognize Your unconditional love for me. I don’t understand it or deserve it, but I know it’s available to me. Thank You for loving me. Today, I accept and celebrate Your love, coming to You just as I am. Please forgive my sin and cleanse my heart and soul. I surrender to You, Your love, and Your plan for my life. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.
Now It's Your Turn
Do you really believe God loves you? Do you walk in that love every day?
Right now – celebrate and walk, by faith, in His unconditional love and forgiveness! Read and memorize Romans 5:5.
More from the Girlfriends
A daily time alone with God in prayer and Bible study will strengthen you to face whatever life throws at you. Do you or someone you love struggle with depression? Mary’s book, Hope in the Midst of Depression, offers practical steps you can take to get out and stay out of that pit.
Connect with Mary on Facebook or through email at mary@marysoutherland.com.
Need prayer? Email our Prayer Team Director, Ginger Meador. We would love to pray for you!
© 2022 by Mary Southerland. All rights reserved.
Originally published Tuesday, 22 February 2022.