January 20, 2010
Rotten Apple
Sharon Jaynes
Today's Truth
"And let not your adornment be merely external-braiding hair, and wearing gold jewelry, or putting on dresses; but let it be the hidden person of the heart, with the imperishable quality of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is precious in the sight of God" (1 Peter 3:3-4 NASB).
Friend To Friend
There is nothing worse than purchasing a beautiful, highly polished red delicious apple, and biting into it only to find it mealy and mushy on the inside. Well, maybe there is something worse - a physically beautiful woman who is rotten to the core. Solomon says that's like putting a "gold ring in a pig's snout." What a waste.
Becky experienced this first hand when she was nineteen-years-old. She was performing as a runway model at her hometown department store. She was 5'2 and 100 pounds, just the perfect size to model apparel from the petite department. But she had always longed to be tall and slender like the runway models from the big cities. On one occasion, the management of the store where Becky worked flew in a New York model to add to the excitement of a fashion show event. Becky was thrilled to watch as professionals paraded up and down the runway with poise and elegance.
Becky explained, "I can remember standing behind a rack of clothes and peering admiringly as the 5'8" sleek blond glided up and down the runway with the grace and poise of a queen. ‘Oh God,' I prayed, ‘How I wish I could be like her.'"
After the fashion show was over Becky was gathering her belongings from backstage when she overhead the model in a fit of rage.
"I don't even know what happened," Becky said. "All I know is that this beautiful woman, who I had so admired, almost worshipped, was spewing the filthiest language I had ever heard and slinging clothes and shoes all around the room. I ran out of the store and cried all the way home. Disappointment and disillusionment filled my heart. ‘Oh God,' I prayed once again, ‘Please don't ever let me be like her.'"
Becky had learned a valuable lesson about true beauty. As someone once said, "Often behind silken apparel lies a threadbare soul."
Let's Pray
Dear Lord, Please don't ever let me be a shiny apple that is rotten on the inside. I know that no amount of makeup or fancy clothes can truly hide what's on the inside. It always comes out sooner or later. Help me to be the type of woman that is known for inner qualities that reflect Your beauty.
In Jesus' Name,
Now It's Your Turn
Make a list of women you admire. Now write down what it is that you admire about them?
What do you want people to admire about you? Your clothes? Your hair? Your love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, and self-control? (Check out Galatians 5:22 to see where these qualities come from.)
Now, which are you spending more time on cultivating - inner or outer beauty?
Let's talk about it. Let me know what you think. Visit www.facebook.com/sharonjaynes and tell me why you think we spend so much time on the outside and so little on the inside.
More From The Girlfriends
Would you like to learn more about how to become spiritually beautiful? It all starts by spending time in God's spa. You can find out more in Becoming Spiritually Beautiful - Seeing Yourself Through God's Eyes. (This book by Sharon Jaynes was previously titled Experience the Ultimate Makeover). It comes with a Bible study guide for that extra special glow!
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how to have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.
Girlfriends in God
Originally published Wednesday, 20 January 2010.