January 27, 2011
Homeland Security
Today's Truth
"A capable, intelligent and virtuous woman, who is he who can find her? She is far more precious than jewels, and her value is far above rubies or pearls" (Proverbs 31:10, Amplified Version).
Today's Truth
After the horrific events of September 11, 2001, President George W. Bush appointed the new cabinet position of Homeland Security. It is defined as the deterrence, prevention, and preemption of, and defense against, aggression targeted at United States territory, sovereignty, population, and infrastructure as well as the management of the consequences of such aggression and other domestic emergencies.
In a speech on July 16, 2002, in the Rose Garden, he explained how Homeland Security would deal with the threats of the 21st century in our country. "Our unity is a great weapon in the fight. And by acting together to create a new and single Department of Homeland Security we'll be sending the world a signal that the Congress and the administration will work together to protect the American people and to win the war on terror."
As I read President Bush's description of homeland security and the perilous dangers that threaten our country, I was reminded of the danger that threatens our homes as well. There is a war going on to destroy the God-ordained institution of marriage in this country and around the world. Interestingly, Webster defines marriage as "the institution under which a man and a woman become legally united on a permanent basis." Almost every word of that definition is under attack today. We need our own "homeland security" to establish the deterrence, prevention, and preemptions of, and defense against, aggression targeted against our marriages!
For a man to guard his heart usually means he must guard his eyes. For a woman to guard her heart, it means she must guard her emotions. "My coworker really listens to me," Barbara mused. "My friend, Peter, truly cares about my problems," Clare reflected. "Bob at the post office likes me in this red sweater," Mary pondered. Each of these thoughts sets off the "homeland security alarm." Homeland security begins in our own hearts.
Homeland security also means that we work to protect our families.
The Proverbs 31 woman has represented an ideal for women throughout the ages. While she intimidates some, all would agree she is a role model worth emulating. Scripture describes her as smart, skillful, thrifty, and strong. She's a good cook, a savvy money manager, a contributor to the community, an entrepreneur, a seamstress, a blessed mother, a faithful friend, a loyal wife, and a devotee of God. As Proverbs 31:10 states, "An excellent wife, who can find? For her worth is far above jewels." The New International Version calls her "a wife of noble character." But I personally like the Amplified version that describes her as "a capable, intelligent, and virtuous woman." The Hebrew word that's translated "excellent" or "virtuous" can also mean "wealthy, prosperous, valiant, boldly courageous, powerful, mighty warrior.
She fights Satan on her knees in prayer. She fights her hectic schedule to keep her priorities in proper perspective, and she fights to guard her heart against the ungodly influences of the society in which she lives.
In verse 27, we see that the Proverbs 31 woman "watches over the ways of her household," or as another translation states, "she carefully watches all that goes on in her household" (NLT). The phrase "watch over" means to "hedge about as with thorns," much as a mother bird might protect her young with the thorny rim of a nest. These same words are also used in the Bible as a military term, such as to watch over a city.
I envision the wife of noble character walking around the wall fortifying her home, fully equipped to take on any enemy that threatens to invade her marriage. But lest we imagine the enemy is always some outside force, I believe the greatest enemy can be what happens in our own hearts and minds.
Homeland security? I believe it begins in our very own hearts and homes.
Let's Pray
Dear Heavenly Father, I pray that you will show me how to protect my home. When something comes before me that I should not see, help me to turn my head, click the delete button, or change the channel. Help me to guard my heart above all else.
I also pray that you will help me to be a mighty prayer warrior for my family. I will stand in the gap for each member of my family, interceding for them by name.
In Jesus' Name,
Now It's Your Turn
Think about these sentences in today's devotion… "Almost every word of that definition is under attack today. We need our own "homeland security" to establish the deterrence, prevention, and preemptions of, and defense against, aggression targeted against our marriages!" How is the institution of marriage being attacked today?
Have you sensed any of that in your home or your extended family?
What are some ways that you can initiate some "homeland security" in your home?
More From The Girlfriends
One of the best ways we can protects our homes is through prayer. Sharon offers laminated prayer cards with Scripture to pray over children, husbands, and grandchildren. She also has two great resources for homeland security: Becoming the Woman of His Dreams and Being a Great Mom, Raising Great Kids. To read an excerpt or watch a video, visit her website and click on the books and audio page.
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Girlfriends in God
Originally published Thursday, 27 January 2011.