Girlfriends in God - Jan. 30, 2009

January 30, 2009 
Sit Down, Soul! 
Cindi Wood

I hope you are enjoying the Girlfriends in God daily devotions.  We (Mary, Sharon, and Gwen) would like to introduce you to some of our special friends.  From time-to-time, the Friday devotions will be written by one of our friends in ministry.  We call them our "Friday Friends."  So grab your Bible and a fresh cup of coffee and drink in the words from our "Friday Friend", 
Cindi Wood.

Today’s Truth 
“Come away with me by yourselves to a quiet place and get some rest.”  Mark 6:31

Friend To Friend 
Cooking…cleaning…refereeing…chauffeuring…filing…paying bills…making phone calls…going to work…do you ever feel like running away from being in charge of everybody and everything!?

Maybe, like me, you’ve realized that what causes the most stress in life seems to be the accumulation of those common daily hassles.  Honestly, those daily things pile up and drive you nuts!  According to research, I’ve read, women do pretty well dealing with those major life events – but it’s the daily conquering of our never-ending “To Do Lists” that sends us over the edge. 

Girlfriend, God has a word for you!  Yes, all of you who are teetering on the edge of Freak-Out and for those of you who already have plunged over that cliff!  His word comes through the psalmist in Psalm 131:2.  “But I have stilled and quieted my soul; like a weaned child with its mother.”

Oh, the simplicity of being still; sitting down and being quiet in the middle of chaos is the way to regain your composure and strengthen your heart.

How quiet is your soul?  Your soul is your mind and emotions.  And if you’re like most women, your soul is running all over the place!  Maybe you’ve mastered the art of sitting down physically and even appearing to be quiet.  But on the inside, your soul is charging ahead – making plans and thinking about everything that has to be done.  Any sisters out there?

I liken it to the perpetual little Ms. Pac Man – running all over the place trying to gobble up all those stress ghosts before they gobble you!  I remember so well when my boys were young and I’d pull them away from the video games, sending them to “the quiet place” so they could calm down and unwind.  Sometimes it took quite a while for them to recover a quiet demeanor after being jerked around with all the agitated stimuli on the computer.

How about you, dear friend? Are the stressors of life jerking you around, leaving you agitated and jumpy?  Well, I invite you to take a stress break.  Quiet your emotions.  De-escalate your soul“Be still and know that He is God.”  (Psalm 46:10)

Yes, be very still and really know that He is God!

Okay.  So right now, I’m going to take a few moments to deep breathe.  Instead of charging frantically ahead to the next stress-stop, I’m sprinting into the arms of my God. He’s the only One who can quiet my spirit and settle my nerves.

Let’s Pray 
Lord, I’m catching my breath; I’m catching my breath in You.  Instead of charging ahead with my plans, I’m rushing to You!  Teach me how to be still and know You are God!

In Jesus’ name, 

Now It’s Your Turn 

  1. Determine with your mind to be still. 
  2. Throughout the day, deep breathe the name of Jesus as you quiet yourself. 
  3. Thank Him regularly for calming your heart and being your strength. 

More From The Girlfriends 
Dear Frazzled Sister, I know being still is perhaps the most difficult thing you’ll ever do.  I encourage you to take time each day to be still in the arms of God.  He will bless you in this determination to come before Him on a daily basis.  Meditate on Scripture as you quietly soak in His Presence.  You’ll be surprised at the joy and peace you’ll discover by being obedient to God in His calling to come away with Him, by yourself, to this quiet place. 

Seeking God?
Click here to find out more about
how to have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.

Girlfriends in God
P.O. Box 725
Matthews, NC 28106

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Originally published Friday, 30 January 2009.