June 14, 2010
Seek and Find
Gwen Smith
Today's Truth
"You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart" (Jeremiah 29:13, NIV).
Friend to Friend
"Preston, we give up! Come out from where you are hiding!" My kids were playing hide and go seek a few years ago while my husband and I were upstairs packing for a trip. Hunter and Kennedy had looked everywhere they could think of for their sly older brother, but couldn't find him. Reluctantly, they gave up. As I packed, I checked some choice spots in my walk-in closet to see if I could catch a glimpse of the victorious hider. Nothing.
Several minutes later, as I was loading toiletries into my travel case, the cabinet door beneath my husband's sink slowly opened. My contortionist son quietly and carefully crawled out from underneath the bathroom sink. He glanced my way, and with a twinkle in his eye said, "Hey mom."
"Honey, your brother and sister asked you to show yourself 10 minutes ago. Why did you stay in there so long?" I inquired.
Preston replied in a hushed tone, "I didn't want them to know where my favorite hiding spot was!"
I have to admit, I was impressed with his hiding strategy. It seemed pretty savvy for a 10 year-old. He just didn't want to be found.
In the game of life, God never hides. To the contrary, He wants to be found. He is always with us and always sees us. We are fearfully and wonderfully made by the hands of One who knows everything about us. He designed us to know and to find Him. And let's be honest, girls, whether we want to admit it or not, deep inside we all want to be known and loved.
In Psalm 139, David penned sacred words that paint an amazing picture of God's stubborn presence in our lives:
"Where can I go from Your Spirit? Where can I flee from Your presence? If I go up to the heavens, You are there; if I make my bed in the depths, You are there. If I rise on the wings of the dawn, if I settle on the far side of the sea, even there Your hand will guide me, Your right hand will hold me fast" (Psalm 139: 7-10, NIV).
Have you ever felt hidden from God? I can assure you today, that you are not. He sees you. No matter where you are. No matter what you have been through. No matter what you are going through. You are not alone. God knows you. God loves you. He wants to be found by you. One of the richest blessings in life is the privilege we have to know Him. Call on Him today and find Him through prayer.
Let's Pray
Heavenly Father, it is so comforting to know that You are constantly with me - that You know exactly where I am and what I face. Please hold me fast with Your right hand and guide each moment of my day. I love You, Lord.
In Jesus' Name I pray,
Now It's Your Turn
Read Romans 8:35-39.
Nothing can separate us from God's presence and His love, but sin can hinder the intimacy we enjoy through a personal relationship with Him. Ask God to search your heart and reveal and remove any sin.
What is your hiding strategy? Do you sometimes run from God's presence? Why? Grapple with this one. Ask the LORD for insight.
More From The Girlfriends
Hey friend. After moving across the country a few years back, I experienced a dark emotional season where I just didn't FEEL God's presence. My mind knew He was present, but my heart felt disconnected. Thankfully, God's presence isn't about our feelings. He is always with us. In that time, I wrote a song called Comfort Sonata, which is the final track on my Because CD.
NEED INSPIRATION? Allow the music and lyrics of Comfort Sonata to minister to your heart right now. Turn up the speakers on your computer and CLICK HERE to listen to the song as you center your heart, mind, and soul on the Comforter.
NEED HEALING for some heart wounds? Got a friend going through a difficult time? Gwen's book, Broken Into Beautiful, takes the reader by the hand and shows her how God delights to transform lives. To order the book, please CLICK HERE.
Gwen Smith is a worship artist, songwriter, speaker, and author. For more information, visit her website at: www.GwenSmith.net.
Seeking God?
Click here to find out more about
how to have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.
Girlfriends in God
Originally published Monday, 14 June 2010.