Girlfriends in God - June 20, 2008

June 20, 2008

A Coincidence or a Guardian Angel

Melody Hadley


We hope you are enjoying the Girlfriends in God daily devotions.  We (Mary, Sharon, and Gwen) would like to introduce you to some of our special friends.  From time-to-time, the Friday devotions will be written by one of our friends in ministry.  We call them our "Friday Friends."  So grab your Bible and a fresh cup of coffee and drink in the words from our "Friday Friend",

Melody Hadley.


Today’s Truth

Psalm 91:11-12 (NIV) For he will command his angels concerning you to guard you in all your ways; they will lift you up in their hands, so that you will not strike your foot against a stone.


Friend to Friend

Do you believe there are emissaries from our Father who are assigned to guard, defend, and minister to people? I do! The Scriptures attest to the protective care of angels.


In Matthew 18:10 (NIV) we learn from Jesus as He warns His followers not to look down upon children: “…their angels in heaven always see the face of my Father in heaven.” By these verses, we can conclude that no person, no matter what their age, no matter what their circumstance is unworthy of God’s notice and care.

The world can be a very scary, dangerous place. We find ourselves in situations that threaten our physical and/or spiritual being. God’s people can be assured that they have supernatural defenders always available, even as did the people of biblical times. Remember Daniel, who was thrown into the lion’s den and to the surprise of all the bystanders, was saved. Daniel 6:22 (NIV) relates: “My God sent his angel and he shut the mouths of the lions. They have not hurt me…”


Perhaps the most notable evidence of angelic protection can be seen in the Christmas story. Read Matt.2:13 (NKJV). God sends an angel guardian in a special way. Here we are told: “ …an angel of the Lord appeared to Joseph in a dream, saying ‘Arise, take the young Child and His mother, flee to Egypt, and stay there until I bring you Word, for Herod will seek the young Child to destroy Him.”

My personal encounter with a guardian angel happened in 1974. I had just completed a midnight shift at the hospital. It was 8:00AM and I was almost to the street where my husband, our two young sons and I lived. I fell asleep at the wheel, going 55MPH. To this day, I remember nothing from the time I left the hospital parking lot, until one mile from our house. My eyes flew open as my car efficiently, gracefully glided around the mailbox that was inches from my fender. Coincidence?—I think not. Did I “see” an angelic being? No. Do I believe an angel or angels were present, to wake me up and to guide the car to safety, avoiding a possible deadly collision? Absolutely!!

Let’s Pray

Dear God, we are awed by how much You care for us. With grateful hearts, we give You thanks for the angelic protectors You send to assist us, to watch over us. Thank You. In Jesus’ name, Amen.


Now it’s Your Turn

We are responsible for keeping our eyes open and our hearts receptive to the special guardians God has for us. We should never pray to an angel—we are to pray to God when asking for help or comfort. He alone decides when and where to dispatch angels (or perhaps humans on “angelic” assignments).


The following is a fun little reminder about our angelic guards. Use this acrostic, or create one of your very own to aid in your awareness of these wonderful beings.


A. always

N. nearby

G. God’s

E. emissaries

L. lovingly

S. serve


More from the Girlfriends

Melody Hadley is currently a member of her church’s choir and women’s Bible study. Much of her time is spent writing short articles and devotions, and facilitating an online prayer ministry. You can contact her personally at her e-mail address:


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Girlfriends in God

P.O. Box 725

Matthews, NC 28106

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Originally published Friday, 20 June 2008.